City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G D. Upon termination, an employee will be paid a lump sum for Annual Leave earned but not used. Deductions will be made from the lump sum for all Annual and/or Sick Leave used but not accrued. Annual Leave earned for the last month of employment is based on the date of the employee’s termination. If an employee complete less than one-half the month, leave is not earned for that month. An employee completing at least half of the month earns one-half of the leave rate for the month. An employee completing the full month earns the full leave rate for the month. 5.3 Departmental Provisions A. If an employee’s Annual Leave balance is zero (“0”), additional Annual Leave may be advanced to benefit eligible employees, with the approval of the Department Director, to a limit of 80 hours for a full time employee. Part time (PT) employees may be advanced additional Annual Leave with approval of the Department Director as follows: PT 20, 40 hours; PT 25, 50 hours; or PT 30, 60 hours. Employees must have satisfied their six month probationary period to be eligible for advanced leave. B. Advanced Annual Leave will create a negative Annual Leave balance which must be repaid by the employee. Departmental advanced Annual Leave that has not been repaid upon separation must be repaid (both the salary and mandatory benefits portion) by the employee at the time of separation. It is the responsibility of the Department Director to see that any Annual Leave used but not accrued is deducted from the final earnings record. C. The City Manager and Department Directors are authorized to take all necessary steps to prevent abuses of this policy including disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from employment. D. If an employee wishes to use Annual Leave for an event that is covered under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), they must contact their supervisor who will make the determination of what leave is to be used. The time that is charged to Annual Leave and the FMLA entitlement will run concurrently. See the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) policy on page 209 for more information. 5.4 Annual Leave Accounting A. For employees other than sworn firefighters on rotating shifts (24 hour or greater shifts) Annual Leave will be charged on the basis of actual time taken off from work. For sworn firefighters on rotating shifts (24 hour or greater shifts) Annual Leave will be charged on a two thirds (2/3) ratio basis (e.g., eight hours will be charged for each half-duty day taken). B. Any accumulated Annual Leave balance over 240 hours as of January 31 each year will be converted to Sick Leave on February 1. C. In no instance will an employee receive a pay out of Annual Leave while continuing employment.

F - Leaves of Absence


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