City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G 5.1 The City Manager, Deputy City Manager, Assistant City Managers, Department Directors or designee, and the People & Culture (P&C) Director are the only positions authorized to approve the dismissal of an employee. Typically, the City Manager, Deputy City Manager, and Assistant City Managers will only approve dismissal of employees that they directly supervise. Department Directors, or designees, may approve the dismissal of any employee in their respective departments. 4.8 Final Reminder – The last reminder in the disciplinary process when the First Reminder (see below) has been provided to an employee who is still not meeting the behavior and/or performance expectations. There may be times when supervisors or managers may skip the First Reminder depending on what occurred. The Final Reminder form is a written document provided to the employee that lists what occurred, the violated expectations, and the action(s) the employee needs to take immediately to meet the expectations. See Final Reminder . 4.9 First Reminder - A step in the disciplinary process to give the employee written notice when they have failed to meet expectations for behavior and/or performance. This is usually provided to the employee after feedback has been provided, but there may be exceptions. See First Reminder . 4.10 Paid Administrative Leave Notice – The Paid Administrative Leave Notice is used to notify an employee in writing when they will be sent home from work on paid leave pending an investigation (i.e. H-2 or H-10 complaint) or during a disciplinary process (i.e. Critical Decision) depending on the length of time required. The notice also provides the employee with expectations while away from work and an estimated timeframe of when the employee can expect to return. Generally, the notice is not required for one day or less. The P&C Employee Success Partner assigned to the department can provide further guidance depending on the unique circumstances. Paid Administrative Leave is not a disciplinary action and cannot be appealed. See Paid Administrative Leave Notice . 4.11 Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) - The PIP can be used at any time by a supervisor or manager to reiterate the behavior and performance expectations and may be used alone or with an accompanying disciplinary action such as a Reminder. Supervisors and/ or managers may find the Performance Improvement Plan Template a useful tool to reiterate the expectations. Please consult with the P&C Employee Success Partner (ESP ) assigned to your department for further guidance as a signature is required before providing to the employee. 4.12 Probationary Period - The probationary period is a “trial period” during which the supervisor determines whether the new employee is suitable for and is able to acceptably meet the City’s job performance and behavioral expectations for the position. It is the benefit eligible employee’s initial period of employment. An employee may be dismissed from City employment without taking the formal steps outlined in this policy during the probationary period. However, an employee who is dismissed during their probationary period may appeal the dismissal, see Appeals of Dismissal . 5.0 ORGANIZATIONAL RULES

H - Employee Success Partnership


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