City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

4.2 Appeal of Dismissal - Should an employee be dismissed, the employee may appeal the dismissal by notifying the City Manager’s Office using the procedures outlined in the Appeals of Dismissal . There is a strict timeframe for appealing dismissals. 4.3 At-Will Employment - At-will employment means that an employer can dismiss an employee at any time for any reason, except an illegal one. Likewise, an employee can quit a job at any time for any or no reason. 4.4 Critical Decision - Part of the disciplinary process when employees have either (a) continued to not meet the performance and/or behavioral expectations after feedback and/ or Reminders (if provided); or (b) engaged in behavior and/or performance that warranted skipping steps in the disciplinary process. Generally, the employee is provided paid time off during the Critical Decision process to reflect on whether the employee wants to continue employment. The department also takes this time to contemplate whether it wants to retain or dismiss the employee. The Critical Decision process will generally result in either (a) an Employee Commitment Agreement (ECA) when both the employee and department have mutually agreed to continue the employment relationship; (b) the employee submits a resignation in writing; or (c) the employee is dismissed from City employment. Some exceptions may apply. 4.5 Dismissal - A disciplinary action where an employee is dismissed from employment based on performance and/or behavior(s) that do not meet the expectations of the City and/or department (See the Dismissal Letter Template ). The letter should be placed on Department Letterhead and include the Employee Separation Assistance Resources and Appeals of Dismissal . 4.6 Employee Commitment Agreement - A document that is drafted after the Critical Decision process when the department and employee mutually decide to continue the employment relationship. The Employee Commitment Agreement is drafted by the departmental representative (i.e. People & Culture (P&C) Representative, supervisor or manager) with assistance from the P&C Employee Success Partner assigned to that department and lists the necessary actions the employee is willing to commit to and take immediately to meet the expectations of the position. The employee, supervisor or manager, and P&C Employee Success Partner sign the Agreement. Should the employee fail to honor the commitment(s) outlined in the Agreement, the employee will be dismissed. 4.7 Feedback - Feedback should be provided to the employee on an ongoing, routine basis when the supervisor wants to encourage something the employee did and/or to discourage unacceptable performance or behavior. When employees are not meeting the expectations for performance and/or behavior and depending on what occurred, the supervisor will meet with the employee and provide the employee with feedback about the City’s and departmental expectations for performance and/or behavior(s) and how the employee is not meeting those expectations. Departments may skip this step in the process depending on what occurred and in consultation with P&C Employee Success Partnership.

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G

H - Employee Success Partnership


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