City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual
City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał
Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G time is not available, a negative entry must be made in the City’s People & Culture Information System (PCIS) by the department’s payroll personnel representative to adjust the salary of non exempt employees. Deductions to exempt employees’ salary is subject to the provisions of the FLSA. The supervisor will review the employee’s time card at the end of the pay period and electronically approve the timecard. Approving the timecard is an indication the supervisor agrees with the time as recorded by the employee and is an authorization to pay the employee. If the supervisor has any questions about the time or leave recorded by the employee, the supervisor should discuss this with the employee and reconcile any questions prior to approving the timecard. 6.2 Non-Benefit Eligible Employees Timecards must be completed each day an employee works in the Timekeeping and Attendance System. Both the employee and supervisor sign the timecard at the end of the work period. Supervisors must enter any missing punches and leave time if needed prior to the employee’s approval. Prior to the supervisor’s/manager’s review and approval of the timecard, non-benefit eligible employees must electronically sign (approve) the timecard within the Timekeeping and Attendance System to indicate the time recorded is accurate. The supervisor will review the employee’s time card and at the end of the payroll period electronically approve the timecard. Approving the timecard is an indication the supervisor agrees with the time as recorded by the employee and is an authorization to pay the employee according to recorded time. If the supervisor has any questions about the time recorded by the employee, the supervisor should discuss this with the employee and reconcile any questions prior to approving the timecard. 6.3 If the employee has worked overtime during the pay period, the supervisor will ensure the employee is compensated in accordance with this policy by one of the following: A. FLSA Compensatory Time - If altering work schedules within the work week to avoid overtime is not possible employees will be compensated through the accumulation of FLSA Compensatory Time. B. Departments Directors must establish a policy to determine if the employees within their department will be allowed to accrue/bank FLSA Compensatory Time or be paid for all hours worked. Once an employee has exceeded the 40 hours of actual work time within a workweek, the Timekeeping and Attendance System will then convert all additional work hours above the 40 hours to the required time and one-half calculation and compensate according to the Department Policy on Compensatory Time. C. Paid Overtime - When overtime cannot be eliminated or controlled and the payment of
E - Fair Labor Standards
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