City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual
City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał
Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G C. Individual departments are authorized and encouraged to establish limits less than 120 hours for all non public safety employees since widespread accumulation of large amounts of overtime could disrupt future operation of various work units. D. Upon termination of employment, any FLSA Compensatory Time balance must be paid in full at the employee’s current applicable rate or the employee’s average hourly rate over the past three years whichever is higher. E. Payment for previously accumulated FLSA Compensatory Time for an employee who is not terminating must be approved by the Department Director and the P&C Department prior to being processed by the City Payroll Department. In addition, when an employee is transferring from one City Department to another, the transferring out department must pay out all FLSA Compensatory time, and banked holidays (Public Safety Only), that the employee has accrued prior to the first day of work within the new department. 5.9 In situations where the City Manager has declared an emergency (usually related to emergency weather conditions), an employee working in excess of the normal work schedule will be compensated through the payment of overtime (at 1½ times the normal rate of pay) rather than FLSA compensatory time. 5.10 Overtime Payment Method of Compensation - When overtime cannot be eliminated or controlled as outlined in Section 5.7, it must be paid at one and one half (1½) times the applicable hourly rate. If overtime is not compensated by the use of FLSA compensatory time as outlined in Section 5.8, then it is the Department Director’s responsibility to ensure that the compensation payment is paid accurately and in a timely manner. 6.0 PROCEDURES 6.1 Benefit Eligible Employees Every day the non-exempt employee will complete an electronic timecard within the Timekeeping and Attendance System. The employee is responsible for requesting leave through the Timekeeping and Attendance System. Hours not worked will be coded with the appropriate leave code. The employee’s supervisor/manager is responsible for approving or denying leave requests, reviewing the timecard for hours not worked and entering leave codes, as needed. Prior to the supervisor’s/manager’s review and approval of the timecard, non-exempt and exempt employees must electronically sign (approve) the timecard within the Timekeeping and Attendance System to indicate the time or leave recorded is accurate. Both the employee and supervisor must sign (approve) the timecard at the end of the work period. Supervisors must enter any missing punches and leave time, if needed, prior to the employee’s approval. A leave request must be entered in the Timekeeping and Attendance System for non-exempt or exempt employees if hours worked are less than the scheduled hours for the work week. If leave
E - Fair Labor Standards
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