policy manual 10 2015

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

accrued sick leave, planned leave without pay, compensatory time, and annual leave time have sufficient balances to support the time-off. With the department’s approval, she may also use departmental advanced sick and/or annual leave (up to 80 hours of each for FT; PT employees are as follows: PT 20, up to forty (40) hours; PT 25, up to fifty (50) hours; PT 30, up to sixty (60) hours) for the period of temporary disability. With approval of the human resources director she may also be eligible for donated leave and/or City Manager’s leave for the period of temporary disability. A PT employee is eligible for donated leave only up to the number of scheduled work hours per week. C. After the period of temporary disability, the mother is eligible for additional unpaid time off up to a maximum total maternity leave of 12 weeks. Some of this additional time off beyond the period of temporary disability may be paid time-off if the employee has sufficient planned leave without pay, compensatory time, and annual leave balances or any combination of these. Police officers and firefighters may also use accumulated holidays. With the department’s approval, she may also use departmental advanced annual leave (up to 80 hours for FT; PT employees as follows: PT 20, up to forty (40) hours; PT 25, up to fifty (50) hours; PT 30, up to sixty (60) hours) if not already advanced for the temporary disability. D. If an employee has exhausted all of her paid time-off (except she may maintain a balance of forty hours or less of annual leave for a FT; PT employees may maintain a balance as follows: PT 20, twenty (20) hours; PT 25, twenty-five (25) hours; PT 30, thirty (30) hours), she is eligible to use leave without pay for the remainder of the maternity leave. Periods of leave without pay of a pay period or greater will reduce the employee’s leave accrual and service bonus payments. See the Leave Without Pay policy on page 236 for more information. E. During any period of leave without pay, the employee is responsible for paying her share of insurance premiums on a monthly basis. 5.3 Paternity Leave A. Fathers are allowed a period up to 12 weeks during any consecutive 12 months of unpaid FMLA time off for the birth of a baby. The City allows the father to take up to three weeks of paid sick-family leave for the birth of a baby. This sick-family leave is charged against the father’s accrued sick leave balance. B. After the paid paternity leave, the father of a newborn baby may use the remaining paid time-off up to the 12 weeks allowed. This additional time off beyond the paid paternity leave may be paid time-off charged to accrued planned leave without pay, compensatory time, and annual leave, police officers and firefighters may also use accumulated holidays. With the department’s approval, the father may also use departmental advanced annual leave (up to 80 hours for FT; PT employees as follows: PT 20, up to forty (40) hours; PT 25, up to fifty (50) hours; PT 30, up to sixty (60) hours). C. If a father has exhausted all of his paid time-off (except he may maintain a balance of forty

F H I J K L TableofContents G

Table of Contents A B C D E

F - Leaves of Absence f


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