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Understanding Your Rights and Responsibities as an Employee of the City of Greensboro.
Online Personnel Policy Manual City of Greensboro
Human Resources
City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał
Introduction to the Personnel Policy Manual Section A
Please note: Some documents and links listed in the appendices are only available via the City of Greensboro’s intranet at this time.
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A - Personnel Administration
City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał
Introduction to Personnel Policy Manual W elcome to the City of Greensboro’s Personnel Policy Manual. Whether you are a new or tenured employee, this manual will serve as a guide to help answer questions you may have about our policies. I n order to equip employees with tools that they need to do their job efficiently and effectively, the Human Resources Department periodically reviews the manual to ensure that it meets the changing needs of our employees. The City’s goal is that any updates make it easier to understand and use. Our manual is based on our commitment to equal employment opportunity, State and Federal laws, public accountability, and the City’s core values of honesty, integrity, respect, and stewardship. A s employees of the City of Greensboro, you often serve as the face and the voice of the City for our residents, and you should be proud of the ongoing contributions and customer service that you provide for the people that you serve on a daily basis. W hile every circumstance cannot be addressed in a policy manual, leadership and Human Resources ask that any questions you may have are addressed to the appropriate contact. Throughout this interactive policy guide, general contacts are suggested in the videos at the beginning of each policy section. Additionally, there is a specific HR contact listed at the end of each policy. T hank you for your service and commitment to the City of Greensboro and for making our community a great place to work and live.
JimWestmoreland, City Manager
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A - Personnel Administration l i i i
City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał
Table of Contents Acting Assignment and Pay
135 175 320 143 184
Adjusting, Controlling, and Compensating For Overtime Under The FLSA
Affirmative Action
Alternative Rewards
Annual Leave
311 30
Anti-Harassment Policy
Background Checks
253 251 263 257 196
Benefits - Active Employees
Benefits Philosophy and Overview
Benefits - Regulatory Issues
Benefits - Retired Employees
City Manager’s Leave
Classification Plan
Competitive Salary Offers
Conflict of Interest
124 272 220 350 151 199 181
Control Point Change
Corrective Action
Court Duty
Departmental-Divisional Safety Committees
Departmental Reorganization
Donated Leave
Dual Employment Under The FLSA
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216 172 291 287 148 283 130 289 132 304 126 318 203 80
Educational Leave With Pay
Eligibility For Overtime Compensation Under The FLSA
Employee Assistance Program
Employee Clubs
Employee Compensation Agreements
Employee Complaint Resolution
Employee Demotion
Employee Organizations
Employee Parking
Employee Rehire
Employee Security
Employee Transfers
Equal Employment Opportunity
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
67 83
Flex-time Work Schedules
354 109 188 166
Hazardous Communication Program
Hiring Salaries
Hours Worked Under The FLSA
Inclement Weather
Introduction to Personnel Policy Manual
Job Evaluation
218 247
Jury Duty
Leave for Parental Involvement in Schools
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243 207 236
Leave for the Adoption or Foster Care Placement of a Child
Leave for the Birth of a Child
Leave Without Pay
Limitations on the Employment of Relatives
List of Appendices
Manual for Personnel Administration
Market Based Salary Adjustments
Merit Principle
Merit Salary Increases
228 222 232 225 214
Military Leave - Active Duty
Military Leave - Annual Reservist Training
Military Leave - Deployment in Time of War
National Guard Duty
Official Duty Leave
50 75
Outside Employment
Payroll Periods-Deductions-Method of Payment for Payroll Related Benefits
374 239
Performance Planning and Appraisal Program
Planned Leave Without Pay
Political Activity
120 138 365
Position Reclassification
Premium Pay
Pre-Placement Physical Examinations
Privacy of Employee Personnel Records
112 117
Probationary Salary Increases
Promotional Salary Increases
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347 323
Protective Footwear
Reasonable Accommodation Policy
23 59 65 19 58 87 53
Recruitment and Selection
Reduction In Force
Residency Requirement
Retention and Payment of Criminal Defense Attorneys for City Employees
Retirement Age
163 331 144 106 308 190 370 295 142 146 179 103 156 157 55 70
“Safe Harbor” - Improper or Unlawful Deductions from Pay Under FLSA
Safety Program
Salary Increase Refusal
Salary Structures
Separation for Disability
Sexual Harassment
Sick and Sick-Family Leave
Smallpox Vaccination
Substance Abuse
Supplemental Pay
Temporary (Roster) Employee Pay
Timekeeping Under The Fair Labor Standards Act
Total Compensation Philosophy
Under Construction
Under Construction
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158 358 337 212 362
Under Construction
Vehicle and Motorized Equipment Policy
Workers’ Compensation
Workers’ Compensation Absence Tracking
Work Place Smoking
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City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał
Manual for Personnel Administration Number: A-1 Revision: 3 Effective Date: 4-1-07 1.0 POLICY I n accordance with the provisions of Chapter 21 of the City Code of Ordinances titled “ Personnel ”, the policies, rules, regulations, and other administrative provisions for personnel administration are established for the information and guidance of the City’s employees, managers, and supervisors. 2.0 PURPOSE T he purpose of this manual is to ensure the uniform administration of all City of Greensboro personnel policies. 3.0 SCOPE The personnel policies in this manual apply to all City of Greensboro employees unless otherwise specified in each policy. 4.0 DEFINITIONS 4.1 Human Resources Director - An individual appointed by the City Manager who is responsible for personnel administration for the City service. 4.2 Effective Date - The date the last major change was made to the policy. Effective April 1, 2007, a brief summary of each major change will be logged until such time as the policy is updated and the change is added to the policy. This summary is located after the Table of Contents. 4.3 Last Published Date - The date the last minor change was made to the policy. 5.0 ORGANIZATIONAL RULES 5.1 The City Code of Ordinances authorizes the City Manager to establish personnel policies, rules, and procedures as necessary. The City Manager may also allow exceptions to the policies/rules in those situations where such authorization is not specifically noted in this policy. 5.2 The City Manager is responsible for the administration of the Human Resources program in accordance with the City Charter, the City Code of Ordinances, and these policies. The City Manager has the authority to take appropriate action in dealing with violations of the established policies. 5.3 The Human Resources Director shall be responsible for the preparation and presentation to the City Manager for approval the policies governing the overall administration of the Human
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Resources program. 5.4 Policy Layout - Each policy has the following layout: A. Policy - This section contains the core policy statement.
Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L TableofContents G 5.7 Some of these policies allow for exceptions, in specified circumstances, to be approved by the City Manager and/or Human Resources Director. Unless otherwise specified, reference to the City Manager shall include Deputy or Assistant City Managers. 5.8 Employees, supervisors, and managers are accountable to know and adhere to all of the policies in the Manual for Personnel Administration. 5.9 Throughout the policies when the pronoun “he” is used, it refers to both genders. In limited circumstances where a rule is gender specific, the specific gender is used. 5.10 No statement in this manual guarantees an employee any vested rights as the policies and B. Purpose - This section contains the rationale for the policy. Specific laws, if applicable, on which the policy is based are cited in this section or the City’s philosophical stance is explained. C. Scope - This section defines who is covered by the policy. D. Definitions - This section defines terms applicable to the understanding of the policy. E. Organizational Rules - This section explains the specific rules that must be adhered to in order to ensure compliance with the policy. F. Procedures - This section outlines the procedural responsibilities and process to carry out the policy for the typical situation. G. Human Resources Contact - This section lists the Human Resources Department contact who can assist with questions or who can provide guidance for unusual situations covered by the policy. For some policies, employees in other departments may also be contacts for assistance with the policy; in these cases, those employees will also be identified in this section. H. Appendix, Appendices - This section contains supplementary information, forms (if appropriate), or other information needed in implementing and administering the policy. 5.5 Any changes to these policies will be communicated to Department Directors. The Department Directors shall be responsible for communicating any changes in policy, rules or regulations to all employees under their supervision. 5.6 City departments may establish other personnel policies/rules not in conflict with the policies in the Manual for Personnel Administration. Departmental policies/rules must be submitted to the Human Resources and Legal Departments for review prior to implementation to ensure they are in compliance with City personnel policy.
City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał
benefits are subject to change without notification at the discretion of the City Manager. 6.0 PROCEDURES 6.1 The Human Resources Department will develop new policies, policy changes, rules, and procedures in response to recommendations of the organization, changes in laws, and/or market surveys. All changes to policy will be reviewed in collaboration with the Legal Department prior to submittal to the City Manager for approval. 6.2 The Human Resources Department will communicate approved new polices or policy changes to the Department Directors. Department Directors will communicate new or changed policies to all employees under their supervision. These policies will be included in the Manual for Personnel Administration and will be communicated to employees through appropriate internal communications. 6.3 Departmental policies/rules will be submitted to both the Human Resources and Legal departments for review to ensure compliance with City personnel policies. 7.0 HUMAN RESOURCES CONTACT Human Resources Director
8.0 APPENDIX, APPENDICES Log of Personnel Policy Changes
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Section B
General Employment Practices
Amanda, Human Resources
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B - General Employment Policies
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Merit Principle Number: B-1 Revision: 0 Effective Date: 1-1-77 1.0 POLICY
I n accordance with Chapter 21 of the City Code of Ordinances , the City has established a centralized Human Resources system under the City Manager by which all matters relating to personnel shall be administered. It is the intent of the City Council to establish an equitable and uniform system of personnel administration to place municipal employment on a merit basis to the end that the best qualified persons available shall constitute the City service. 2.0 PURPOSE T he City of Greensboro recognizes that a knowledgeable, skilled work force provides more effective services for the citizens. The purpose of this policy is to affirm the City of Greensboro’s commitment to the merit principle in all matters relating to personnel administration to help ensure a competent and diverse workforce. Decisions on employment are based on qualifications, experience, and suitability for the job. Compensation decisions are based on performance. Other personnel-related decisions are based on the City’s core values of honesty, integrity, respect, and stewardship. 3.0 SCOPE This policy applies to all matters of personnel administration with all employees. 4.0 DEFINITIONS 4.1 Merit System - A uniform system of personnel administration and employee recognition which has been adopted by the City of Greensboro to recruit, employ, retain, and advance the best qualified persons available, and to centralize personnel administration under the City Manager. 5.0 ORGANIZATIONAL RULES 5.1 It is the City’s expectation that all supervisors and managers of the City of Greensboro adhere to the merit principle in all matters of personnel administration. Failure to do so will result in corrective action up to and including dismissal. 6.0 PROCEDURES 6.1 All matters dealing with Human Resources shall be routed through the Human Resources Director who shall maintain a complete system of personnel files and records and perform such other duties as may be delegated by the City Manager. 7.0 HUMAN RESOURCES CONTACT Human Resources Director
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Residency Requirement Number: B-2 Revision: 5 Effective Date: 8-18-04 1.0 POLICY I n accordance with the City of Greensboro City Code of Ordinances , this policy establishes the requirements of where certain City employees must reside. 2.0 PURPOSE T he City considers it important that employees be reasonably available in order to provide effective services for its citizens, particularly in emergency situations. The City considers it important that senior decision makers be residents of the city so that they will incur the same taxpayer impact as do other citizens. The City also acknowledges that in order to recruit and retain the most effective workforce, it is not practical that all employees be required to be city residents. 3.0 SCOPE This policy covers all City of Greensboro employees. 4.0 DEFINITIONS None 5.0 ORGANIZATIONAL RULES 5.1 General Provisions A. The City Manager and Deputy or Assistant City Managers shall live within the city limits of Greensboro or move within these boundaries within 12 months of appointment to any of these positions. B. All individuals appointed as Department Directors with the City shall live within a 30 mile radius of the Greensboro city limits within 12 months of appointment. C. All other employees may live anywhere within or outside Guilford County. 5.2 Departmental Provisions A. Each department may establish reasonable residency requirements or response time requirements where such policies are necessary for the department to carry out its mission or to meet licensing statutes. B. Any departmental requirements must meet fairly strict legal guidelines for reasonableness and must be approved in advance by the City Attorney and the City Manager.
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5.3 Employees required to meet any residency/response requirements will be notified prior to placement in an affected position. 5.4 Failure to report any change of residency that may be covered by this policy will result in corrective action up to, and including, termination. 6.0 PROCEDURES 6.1 Hiring officials will notify the Human Resources Employment Office of any residency requirements as part of the requisition process to advertise a job vacancy. 6.2 The Employment Office will include any residency requirements in the advertisement for any applicable vacancy. 6.3 The hiring official will notify any prospective employee of any residency requirements during the interview process and will include this requirement in the written job offer. See the Appointments policy on page 30 for more information. 6.4 Employees who have a residency requirement will notify their department of any change in their residency. 7.0 HUMAN RESOURCES CONTACT Human Resources Director 8.0 APPENDIX, APPENDICES None
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Limitations on the Employment of Relatives Number: B-3 Revision: 1 Effective Date: 4-1-82 1.0 POLICY T wo members of an immediate family shall not be employed in any City of Greensboro positions if such employment will result in one being in the chain of supervision of the other, nor where one member occupies a position which has influence over the other’s employment, promotion, salary administration, or other related management or personnel considerations. 2.0 PURPOSE I n keeping with the City’s merit principle and the core values of honesty, integrity, respect, and stewardship, the City believes it can best achieve effective and efficient service delivery only in an atmosphere of fairness and equity and where there is no perception of favoritism. This policy is intended to avoid circumstances that could create problems within the work unit or could undermine the public’s perception of fair play in providing equal opportunity for employment to all qualified individuals. For these reasons, the City has strict limitations on the employment of relatives. This policy is not intended to prohibit relatives from working for the City. 3.0 SCOPE This policy applies to all City of Greensboro employees. 4.0 DEFINITIONS 4.1 Immediate Family - For the purposes of this policy, immediate family will include wife, husband, mother, father, brother, sister, daughter, son, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, mother- in-law, father-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, grandmother, grandfather, grandson, granddaughter, stepmother, stepfather, sister-in-law, and brother-in-law. 4.2 Other Family - For the purposes of this policy, other family will include any relationship where the degree of closeness may suggest that problems might be created within the work unit, or that the public’s perception of fair play in providing equal opportunity for employment to all qualified individuals would be violated. This may include engaged couples, roommates, other relatives who grew up together, or similar relationships. 5.0 ORGANIZATIONAL RULES 5.1 This rule shall not apply to employment relationships which existed prior to April 18, 1974 involving members of the same family. Any changes in employment or family relationships after April 18, 1974 shall be covered by this policy. 5.2 An employee who fails to report any existing relationship as defined in Section 4.1 above on his employment application will be subject to corrective action up to and including dismissal.
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5.3 An employee who has a relationship as defined in Section 4.1 above must report changes to those relationships to the department and must identify those relationships when applying for a promotional position with the City of Greensboro. 5.4 An employee must notify the supervisor in those cases where the degree of closeness of relationship would suggest that problems might be created as defined in Section 4.2 above. The department will determine, in collaboration with the Human Resources Director, whether the closeness would result in a restriction on the position or job assignment. 5.5 Failure of an employee or supervisor to report any relationship that might be restricted by this policy to the Human Resources Director will result in corrective action, up to, and including, dismissal. 5.6 Department Directors shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy. 6.0 PROCEDURES 6.1 An employee who has a relationship with another employee as defined by this policy will report that relationship to his supervisor whenever this relationship would result in any supervisory relationship of one relative to another or when one relative would be in a position of influence over the working conditions of the other. 6.2 If the reported relationship is immediate family as defined by Section 4.1 of this policy, the Department Director will ensure that no supervisory authority exists between the two related employees and that in no way does one employee exercise influence over the working conditions of the other. 6.3 If the reported relationship is other family as defined by Section 4.2 of this policy, the Department Director will contact the Human Resources Director to discuss whether or not the relationship would require a restriction on the position or job reassignment. 6.4 If the reported relationship would require a restriction or job reassignment, the Human Resources staff will collaborate with the department to affect changes whenever possible. 6.5 If changes are not possible to comply with this policy, one of the relatives may be required to resign from City employment. 7.0 HUMAN RESOURCES CONTACT Human Resources Director 8.0 APPENDIX, APPENDICES
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B - General Employment Policies
City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał
Recruitment and Selection Number: B-4 Revision: 8 Effective Date: 01-07-15 1.0 POLICY
T he employment goal of the City of Greensboro is to attract and retain the most suitable applicant for each position. Employees will be appointed to full time, part time, and temporary positions without regard to age, color, ethnicity, familial status, gender or sex, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, mental or physical disability, military status, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation or any other non-job related factor, except when certain physical and mental requirements are Bona-fide Occupational Qualifications (BFOQ). See the appendix document, Equal Employment Opportunity Definitions on page 396. 2.0 PURPOSE T he City recognizes that a knowledgeable, skilled workforce provides the most effective services for the citizens. The purpose of this policy is to affirm the City’s commitment to the selection of personnel based on merit to help ensure a competent and diverse workforce. Decisions on employment are based on qualifications, experience, and suitability for the job. To achieve this, the City’s employment process is a consistent, structured competitive process. T here are also a number of Federal and State laws that govern the employment process including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008. This policy explains the rules and process the City follows when selecting employees to ensure compliance with applicable laws and policies. 3.0 SCOPE This policy applies to all City of Greensboro positions except for those positions that report directly to City Council. The rules and processes for different types of positions differ slightly and those differences are 4.1 Benefit Eligible - Full time and part time employees who are eligible for coverage and participation in the City’s benefit programs in addition to legally mandated coverage. See the appendix document, Position Types on page 414. 4.2 Temporary Employee - An employee assigned to a position designated roster (RP), seasonal temporary (ST), or special project (SP). See the appendix document, Position Types outlined in this policy. 4.0 DEFINITIONS
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on page 414. 4.3 Hiring Official - The departmental individual designated to manage the recruitment and selection process for a vacant position, usually a supervisor, manager, or director. 4.4 Minimum Qualifications - The essential requirements necessary to perform the duties of a position. 4.5 Preferred Qualifications - The qualifications that are in addition to the minimum qualifications that are desirable and enhance the ability to effectively perform the duties of the position. 4.6 Screening Criteria - Knowledge, skills, abilities, education, and experience needed to perform the duties of a position. These criteria are used when initially reviewing applications to determine if an applicant is qualified for consideration. 4.7 City Job Board - The listing of available City vacancies, updated on a daily or as needed basis when new vacancies are submitted. Position vacancies available to the public, as well as employees are posted on the City’s website and on monitors in the Human Resources Department. Position vacancies available only to City employees are available on the City’s intranet site and should be printed and posted for employees without access to a computer. 4.8 City-Wide Internal Hiring Process - A hiring process where the position vacancy is advertised only to current City employees. This process is used when a diverse pool of qualified applicants already exists within the City. This process allows a City employee an opportunity for promotion or to make a lateral career move. 4.9 External Hiring Process - A hiring process where the eligibility to apply is open to anyone. This process is used when the department wants to see a broad number of applicants or if the qualified internal applicant pool is limited in number or diversity. 4.10 Temporary Hiring Process - A hiring process by a special external advertisement process used for temporary positions such as roster or seasonal. Screening of applications is usually conducted by the department rather than the Human Resources Employment Office. 4.11 Interns - Individuals completing specified course requirements and assigned to a department for a defined period of time. Placements may be paid or non-paid, dependent on the availability of funds. 4.12 Executive Recruitment - Recruitment process for a Department Director, Assistant City Manager, Deputy City Manager, City Manager and other positions designated by the City Manager to fall within this category. 4.13 Interview Panel – The interview process will include at least one panel interview prior to a final selection decision. The panel must be comprised of at least three people with a
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minimum of one panel member who is not employed within the hiring division. 4.14 Acting Assignment and Pay – Process by which employees acting in a higher capacity for a period of time are selected and compensated. See the Acting Assignment and Pay policy on page 135 in Section D. 4.15 Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA) - Designed to prohibit the use of genetic information in health insurance and employment. 5.0 ORGANIZATIONAL RULES 5.1 All City positions will be filled on a competitive basis. The specific process will be determined by the hiring official in consultation with the Human Resources Employment Office and will be based on the skill level of the position, the anticipated pool of qualified applicants and how they can be recruited, the diversity of the current workforce and other bonafide occupational requirements. 5.2 The processes for hiring sworn Police Officers, Firefighters, Metro 911 Communications Operators and temporary Coliseum events staff personnel have exceptions to this policy depending on the approved procedures established by those respective departments and various requirements for screening and testing to meet required qualifications. 5.3 All City vacant benefited positions, including promotions approved, will be advertised. All positions will be advertised for a minimum of two weeks. In cases where the position requires specialized knowledge, skills, abilities, or experience, the advertisement period may be longer. External advertisement beyond the City Job Board will be at the discretion of the hiring official and will be paid for through the hiring department’s budget. 5.4 Because the City has a sufficient number of same position types that even routine turnover results in a frequent need to fill that position type, some positions may be advertised externally on an on-going basis. In such cases, an eligibility list of qualified candidates may be retained for up to six months and the hiring official may fill a vacancy from the eligibility list rather than from a specific recruitment process for a given vacancy. 5.5 All applicants for City positions will complete an application except in cases where an outside search firm is used for a recruitment process and may require only a resume. When an outside search firm is used, the successful candidate for the position will complete a City application form during the hiring process. 5.6 The City only accepts applications for positions which are vacant and being advertised. The City does not accept resumes in lieu of applications but resumes may be attached to the application. Additional supplemental attachments may be required for some positions. 5.7 The Employment Office staff will accept all applications for all positions. The Employment Office staff will conduct an initial screening for all full time and part-time positions and may assist with temporary positions as needed. Note: Public Safety criteria may differ from other City Positions.
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Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L TableofContents G 5.8 If a recruitment for a specific position or type of position within a given work unit has been conducted recently (typically within the last six months) and another like position vacancy occurs, the hiring official has the option to consider additional candidates from that application process without additional advertising. This will be an option if there is a sufficient pool of qualified and diverse applicants remaining from the previous recruitment. 5.9 In some circumstances, and as determined by the City Manager, the rules regarding the Recruitment and Selection process may be suspended to accomplish a more important City objective. For example, to avoid a layoff when a position needs to be eliminated, the incumbent may be moved into another position without advertisement or a competitive process. See the Reduction In Force policy on page 59 in Section B. 6.0 PROCEDURES 6.1 The Employment Office staff is available to assist hiring officials at any point in the recruitment or hiring process. Hiring officials are encouraged to call their departmental contact in the Employment Office for assistance in determining qualifications, screening criteria, advertising with outside media sources, and advice about interviewing, checking references, or conducting background reviews. See Appendix link, Employment Office Contacts. 6.2 Hiring Process-Full Time and Part Time Positions A. When a department is prepared to recruit for a vacancy, the hiring official will complete and submit an Employment Requisition. In addition, the department should indicate whether the position should be advertised internally on the City-wide promotional list or externally to the public. The information should also include any requested advertisement media beyond the City Job Board along with a budget account number to bill for advertisement fees. If the department wants to advertise the vacancy only for an internal City-wide posting, the hiring official must contact the Employment Office to discuss the process and to determine if there is a sufficient diverse pool of qualified potential applicants. 1. Exceptions to posting requirements for vacant positions may be made for an approved Departmental Reorganization. See the Departmental Reorganization policy on page 151 in Section D. B. The Employment Office will advertise the position using the normal job list process unless the hiring official has requested additional advertisement. The Employment Office staff will collaborate with the hiring official to insure that advertised requirements for a position are job related and can be equitably applied. If requested, the staff of the Human Resources Department will assist in recruiting qualified applicants for the advertised position. C. During the advertisement period, the Employment Office will receive all applications for the advertised position. D. At the end of the advertisement process, the Employment Specialist will review the applications screening for the criteria the hiring official included in the requisition.
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E. After the screening is completed, the Employment Office staff will forward the Referral & Selection Form that includes the list of qualified candidates along with the applications of those candidates to the departmental hiring official or departmental contact person for Human Resources. The number of candidates referred is based on the number of qualified candidates, their relative qualifications as compared to the minimum requirements, and whether the candidate is a City employee. All active City employees (whether full time or part time, seasonal, roster, temporary) who meet the advertised minimum qualifications for the position will be referred. The hiring official must interview (by telephone or in person) all referred candidates. However, in limited circumstances a hiring official, with approval of the Human Resources Director, may determine that a referred candidate is not recommended for an interview. In those limited circumstances, the hiring official may decline to interview a referred candidate. If initial phone interviews are used and follow-up interviews are needed as is generally the case, the interviews should be conducted by a panel of at least three (3) interviewers prior to making a final decision. The panel must contain one member who is not from the hiring division. If a hiring official believes a referred candidate is not qualified, he should contact the Employment Office staff to resolve the issue. F. The Department Director or designee at the Division Manager level must authorize all hiring decisions. G. The hiring official is responsible for managing the interview and final selection process including reference checks, review of current personnel file (for current and former City employees), background screening, and the initial or promotional appointment to City service. See the Appointments policy on page 30 for more information. See the Hiring Salaries policy on page 109 in Section D. See the Probationary Salary Increases policy on page 112 in Section D. H. The hiring official or his designee must contact all applicants who were referred and not selected. The contact may be by phone, letter, or email. I. When the interview process is completed and a hiring decision has been made, the hiring official must return all recruitment information to the Employment Office. This includes the: 1. applications/attached documents (e.g. resumes), 2. interview questions and interviewer(s) notes, and 3. all information collected during the interview and selection process, (whether by phone or in person) and all reference checks completed by the hiring official. This information must be summarized on the Referral and Selection Form sent with the referred applications. This form must include specific evidence which supports the
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Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L TableofContents G The recruitment process for this category will be determined by the City Council for the position of City Manager and City Attorney or by the City Manager or his designee for all other positions designated within this category. The process may be managed by various resources including internal staff within the Human Resources Department and/or external consulting decision to hire one applicant versus another as well as specific information for the basis for rejecting the candidacy of all other candidates. By law, the Human Resources Department is responsible for the retention of these records and they will be retained for a minimum of 3 (three) years from date of the hiring decision unless a charge is filed; if so, a record will be retained 1 (one) additional year after a charge is resolved. 6.3 Temporary Hiring Process The temporary hiring process is for roster and season temporary positions. At the discretion of the hiring department, positions may be advertised through the Employment Office. Applications are received and referred to the department without screening. Other positions may be recruited directly by the hiring departments. The hiring official should follow a structured screening process to reduce the number of applicants interviewed or should interview all the applicants. The Employment Office is available, upon request, to advise the hiring official on a structured screening and/or interview process. 6.4 Interns The City’s intern program will be managed through the Human Resources Department in coordination with City departments and schools. Procedures, forms and record-keeping requirements are available by calling the Human Resources Department. Non-paid intern placements must meet all guidelines set forth for “trainees” by the Department of Labor: The training, even though it includes actual operation of the facilities of the employer, is similar to what would be given in a vocational school or academic education instruction; The training is for the benefit of the trainees; The trainees do not displace regular employees, but work under their close observation; The employer that provides the training derives no immediate advantage from the activities of the trainees, and on occasion the employer’s operations may actually be impeded; The trainees are not necessarily entitled to a job at the conclusion of the training period; and The employer and the trainees understand that the trainees are not entitled to wages for the time spent in training. 6.5 Executive Recruitment
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firms. The final decision for selection rests with the City Council for the City Manager and City Attorney and with the City Manager for all other designated positions. The terms of employment will be finalized during the selection phase of the process and included in the final offer confirmation document. The terms for these positions may include an adjusted annual leave accrual to be commensurate with years of relevant experience of the appointee and allowances for expenses associated with the hiring process and relocation where applicable. Additional terms will be at the discretion of the City Council for the City Manager and City Attorney and at the discretion of the City Manager for the other positions designated in this category.
7.0 HUMAN RESOURCES CONTACT Departmental Employment Office Contact.
8.0 APPENDIX, APPENDICES Employment Application Process Employment Office Contacts Fire Application Process Police Application Process Position Types (page 414) Standard Employment Application
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Appointments Number: B-5 Revision: 4 Effective Date: 08-15-15 1.0 POLICY
Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L TableofContents G A pplicants and employees shall be appointed to positions with the City of Greensboro without regard to race, gender, religion, age, national origin, sexual orientation, genetic information physical or mental disability, or any other non-job related factor, except when certain physical and mental requirements are Bona-Fide Occupational Qualifications (BFOQ). 2.0 PURPOSE T here are a number of Federal and State laws as well as City policies that govern the employment process and conditions of employment after selection including, but not limited to, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 and the Genetic Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA). This policy explains the rules and process the City of Greensboro follows when appointing employees to City positions to ensure compliance with applicable laws and policies. 3.0 SCOPE This policy covers all applicants and employees. 4.0 DEFINITIONS 4.1 Benefit Eligible - Full time and part time employees who are eligible for coverage and participation in the City’s benefit programs in addition to legally mandated coverage. See the appendix document, Position Types on page 414. 4.2 Other (not benefit eligible) Employee - An employee assigned to a position designated roster (RP), seasonal temporary (ST), or special project (SP) who is eligible for salary and mandated benefits only. See the appendix document, Position Types on page 414. 4.3 Appointment - The approval or certification of an applicant or employee to perform the duties and responsibilities of an established City position. 4.4 Benefit Eligible Appointment - An appointment to a position that is eligible for all City benefits, either full time or part time. 4.5 Temporary Appointment - An appointment for a limited term or limited number of hours. Positions that are considered temporary assignments for the purposes of this policy are roster, seasonal temporary, or special project. Employees appointed to a temporary position receive salary plus mandated benefits only.
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4.6 Probationary Period - The probationary period is a “trial period” during which the supervisor determines whether the new employee is suitable for and is able to acceptably meet the City’s job performance and behavioral expectations for the position. 4.7 E-Verify - Process to electronically complete, store and retrieve the U.S I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification Form (Form I-9) to be completed by every newly hired employee as required by the Department of Homeland Security in compliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. The I-9 Form is designed to certify that the employee is eligible to work in the United States. 4.8 Background Check Release Form - A form that authorizes a background check prior to employment. 4.9 Acting Assignment and Pay – Process by which employees acting in a higher capacity for a period of time are selected and compensated. See the Acting Assignment and Pay policy on page 135 in Section D. 4.10 Bona-fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ ) - A quality or an attribute that employers are allowed to consider when making decisions on the hiring and retention of employees—qualities that when considered in other contexts would constitute discrimination and thus in violation of civil rights employment law. 4.11 Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA) - Designed to prohibit the use of genetic information in health insurance and employment.. 5.0 ORGANIZATIONAL RULES 5.1 General Provisions: A. The hiring department will verify the applicant meets minimum age requirements where applicable. B. Appointment dates with the City of Greensboro will normally begin on the first or sixteenth of the month to coincide with payroll periods. Exceptions must be reported to the Human Resources Department and the department is responsible for ensuring the employee attends a Benefits Sign-Up class in order to be paid. C. The hiring official must have all referred applicants sign a Background Check Release Form during the interview process. D. The hiring official will send a formal offer of employment letter to any applicant appointed to a roster or benefit eligible position. See the appendix document, New Hire Letter on page 409. E. Applicants for all City positions must clear a background check. Applicants for all benefit-
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Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L TableofContents G A. Once a selection has been made, the hiring official will determine an appropriate starting salary for the selected candidate. See the Hiring Salaries policy on page 109 in Section D. The hiring official should check all references before making a verbal/written, tentative offer of employment including review of the personnel file for current and former City employees. B. The hiring official will make a verbal/written, tentative offer of employment. The tentative eligible positions must also pass a pre-employment drug screen and physical examination. Other employees (roster, seasonal temporary or special project employees) because of the physical nature of their jobs or whose jobs are considered “safety sensitive” may also be required to successfully pass a pre-employment drug screen and/or physical examination. F. A hiring offer for all benefit eligible positions is contingent upon the results of a background check, a pre-employment drug screening and a pre-employment physical examination, references and additional verifications (e.g. certifications, licenses, educational documentation) associated with hiring criteria. A hiring offer for all other positions (roster, seasonal temporary or special project employees) is contingent upon the results of a background check, and a pre- employment drug screening where applicable based on the “safety-sensitivity” of the position. G. All new employees shall be required to complete the E-Verify process no later than the third business day after the employee starts work for pay. H. All benefit eligible employees will attend the Benefits Sign-Up class scheduled to coincide with the initial payroll period. Normally this is offered on the second day of each payroll period or the first scheduled work day after this. Because sworn Police Officers and Firefighters are normally hired as an entire rookie class, they may have a separate dedicated payroll/benefits sign-up class. 5.2 Probationary Period A. Probationary periods apply to benefit eligible employees only. B. All original appointments for benefit eligible positions will be for a probationary period of six months except for Police Officers and Firefighters who have a 12-month probationary period. For more information, see the Promotional Salary Increases policy on page 117 in Section D.. C. An employee serving the probationary period for an initial appointment to City service may be dismissed at any time for any lawful reason and has no appeal rights. D. A probationary period may be extended, not to exceed three months, at the discretion of the Department Director and with the approval of the Human Resources Director. 6.0 PROCEDURES 6.1 Benefit Eligible Employees
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offer of employment should include a salary offer and an agreement on a starting date. The hiring official will inform the applicant the offer of employment is contingent on the employee clearing a background check and passing a pre-employment physical examination, drug screening and any remaining verifications of qualifications. C. The Department Director or designee at the Division Manager level must authorize all hiring decisions. D. When the tentative offer of employment is accepted, the hiring official will contact Medical Services to make an appointment for a pre-employment physical and drug screening. E. The hiring official will send the selected employee a formal offer letter that confirms the agreed upon salary, the starting date, the pre-employment physical examination appointment, the probationary period, eligibility for merit increases, and the Benefits Sign-Up class. See the appendix document, New Hire Letter on page 409. The hiring official should also include any other information that would be useful to the new employee. F. Upon receipt of the notification of an applicant’s successful completion of a background check, the HR Employment Office will notify the Benefits Assistant/Hiring Official in the hiring department. G. At least two weeks before the appropriate Benefits Sign-up session, the hiring official will send to the Employment Office in Human Resources: 1. New Hire Letter - A signed copy of the offer letter. 2. Original Application - The original employment application with a signature. 3. Position Information Form - See the appendix document, Position Information Form on page 413. The department will enter into the payroll-personnel system the information contained on the Position Information Form. 4. Confirm the employee’s appointment to complete the E-Verify process upon date of hire. 5. Request for Outside Employment Form – A copy signed by the employee and where appropriate also signed by the supervisor and department director. H. The department will also have the new employee complete and send to the Payroll Section of the Finance Department: 1. Tax Cards - The employee will complete Federal (W-4) and State (NC-4) tax cards. The department will enter the tax cards in the payroll-personnel system and send the original tax cards to the Payroll Section of the Finance Department. 2. Direct Deposit Form - The employee will complete a Direct Deposit Form for deposit of his paychecks and send the original Direct Deposit Form to the Payroll Section of the
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