P&R Policy Manual

1. Pre-Numbered and Self-Copying Hand Receipt Book – (It is advisable that all pre- numbered receipt books are signed out to designated areas) 2. Recreation Management Software – validates the amount received and offers payee a receipt. Receipts are stored in the software application and available for reprint as needed. 3. Receipt Log – to be used for checks and monetary funding received through the mail. 4. Miscellaneous Receipting – cash registers, cash box receipts. Where applicable, a sign or notice should be posted providing the cost of goods and services offered and accepted methods of payment. Information signs shall include the location's phone number and operating hours indicating that customers should contact the facility if a receipt is not provided or they have concerns. Under special circumstances when the procedures outlined above are not applicable, facility or program staff shall meet with their supervisors to establish an approved method of receipting. Periodic audits of correct handling of cash and receipting will be conducted by departmental staff or the City of Greensboro Internal Audit Department. Supervisors of designated areas will be responsible for reconciling revenue collected in their area and quarterly reporting such information to their division manager and principal analyst. Violation of this policy or guidelines will result in disciplinary action per the City of Greensboro Personnel Manual. REFERENCE Handling of Funds Policy PR-F12 Deposit Policy PR-F7 Parks and Recreation Facility Matrix Standard Operating Procedure - Cash Handling and Receipting

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