P&R Policy Manual


PR-F3 Effective Date: 3/9/2006

Revision Date: 5/1/2024 Ver: 3

#Pages: 2

POLICY It is the Greensboro Parks and Recreation Department’s policy to ensure that all monies received from any source are accurately processed in a timely manner, properly reported, and adequately safeguarded. Some form of record must be kept for all transactions of money received on behalf of the City of Greensboro Parks & Recreation Department. Employees who handle or process any cash and cash equivalents must adhere to the following procedure. PROCESS All fees are to be collected by staff on the City of Greensboro payroll or by staff under contract with the City of Greensboro when the contract specifically states that fee collection and reporting is a provision of the job. (Exception: Volunteers who are members of co-sponsored groups of the Department or who are assisting in a special event with a staff member in the area supervising the collections.) Some form of receipt shall be issued to the customer/citizen for all cash, checks, credit cards, or any monetary transaction(s) at the time of purchase. All fees are to be receipted. No fee for anything is to be accepted without an approved means of receipting in force.

Employees must use one of the following accountable tracking mechanisms for funds received.

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