IT Service Catalog FY 23-24
Supported Applications APPENDIX E
Applications Development Supported Applications
Application Name
Information Technology Information Technology
An application that tracks various internal statistics for the IT Application Services Team and the IT Security Team.
IT Statistics
On Call
An application that allows for the assignment of on-call staff during of hours and weekends.
An application that tracks information related to the City network policy agreement per individual account holder. It also enables the Service Desk staff to confirm the network policy has been signed as needed to initiate certain processes. An application that enables Community Relations to track issues for follow up that are reported to them from residents. It has data entry and reporting features. An application that helps the executive office enter and retrieve scanned documents that are associated with Council meetings. A public facing search to allow residents to look up records of soldiers who fought in the Civil War by rank, service, company and regiment. A public facing search to allow residents to look up Obituaries, Marriage Bonds, Marriage Notices, and Gravestone Inscriptions in the time period of approximately 1850 to 1940. A public facing search to allow residents to look up records of those who served in World War II, Army, Navy, AAF, Marines, Coast Guard, WAAC, WAVES, SPAR, Nurses, Merchant Marines or Red Cross service. An application for the Local Ordinance division to track LOE cases related to housing, nuisance, vehicles, RUCO, Zoning, and Front Yard Parking. It also generates letters for communication about the details of each specific process from the City to residents. Additionally LOE data is also made available on the City’s Open Data Portal. This application has been replaced for current LOE cases by MyGov, but still exists to view historical case records. An application that tracks the status of plots in City cemeteries. It has a data entry and reporting features. It also has online lookup feature for residents who want to look up Cemetery information. A public facing search to allow residents to look up burials in Forest Lawn, Green Hill, and Maplewood cemeteries that has data dating back to 1840. An application that builds a custom electronic file to transfer data related to employees, and their dependents, who are eligible for dental insurance coverage with Delta Dental. A suite of 2 applications that provide customized file transfers of employees who are eligible for Flexible Spending Plan coverage and their deductions to Flores in a specific electronic format. A process that extracts Job Blox data from Infor and transfers it via FTP to the third party JobBlox site daily. An application that builds a custom electronic file to transfer the data of the life insurance plan coverage of employees. An application that enables City Directors, Managers, and Supervisors to enter employee merits for approval and further processing by the People & Culture Department. An application that provides a customized file transfer of employees who are eligible for pet discount coverage to Pet Benefits Total Pet Plan in a specific electronic format. An application that provides a customized file transfer of employees, and their dependents, who are eligible for Vision coverage to Superior Vision in a specific electronic format. An application that provides a customized file transfer to UHC of employees, and their dependents, who are eligible for COBRA Health Care coverage in a specific electronic format. An application that allows for the printing of insurance letters from the Construction Loan Control System.
Information Technology
Policy Tracker
Community Case Management System
Council Index
Civil War Search
Marriage Search
World War II Search
Housing & Neighborhood Development Housing & Neighborhood Development
CLCS Homeowners Insurance Letters
Local Ordinance Enforcement (LOE)
Parks & Recreation
Cemetery Search
Parks & Recreation
Delta Dental Coverage
People & Culture
Flexible Spending Plan Coverage
People & Culture
Job Blox Feed
People & Culture
Life Insurance Coverage
People & Culture
Merit Compensation System
People & Culture
Pet Plan Coverage
People & Culture
Superior Vision
People & Culture
UHC Employee COBRA Coverage
People & Culture
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