IT Service Catalog FY 21-22

Supported Applications A P P E N D I X E

Application Services Supported Applications

Application Name


Department Financial & Administrative Services Financial & Administrative Services Financial & Administrative Services Financial & Administrative Services Financial & Administrative Services Financial & Administrative Services Financial & Administrative Services Financial & Administrative Services Financial & Administrative Services Financial & Administrative Services Financial & Administrative Services Financial & Administrative Services Financial & Administrative Services Financial & Administrative Services Financial & Administrative Services

An application to look up invoices, credits, debits, and dispute information from Lawson. It also prints invoices.

Collections Inquiry

An application that tracks a contract as it progresses from the originating department to the other required departments for signatures. It has reporting features and prints customized contract routing sheets and logs to assist with efficient routing and tracking of the contract as it completes the signature process. This application has been changed to main existing contracts only. DocuSign is used for new contract entry.

Contract Approval and Routing System

Contract Approval External Data

An application that pulls contract information from DocuSign onto the on-premises database.

An application that builds custom electronic files to transfer the data of contract purchase orders, PO payments with B2GNow. An application that tracks debt owed by individuals and the status of the debt over time for many categories including Water, Returned Checks, Privilege License, Parking, Miscellaneous Billing, etc. It pushes and pulls data from the North Carolina Five Star Clearing House. It applies debt payments to the collections system and transfers it to accounting via Lawson. Lastly, it has integration with T2, the Parking Ticket system, for tracking money owed and payments made on Tickets. An application that reads deposit information from Lawson and allows for deposit comments to be entered for tracking purposes. An application that provides a payment portal for residents to pay balances due online for Privilege Licenses, Business Permits, Building Inspections, Lane Closures, and Parking Payments. Data is applied to the iNovah cashier system and several custom applications and is also moved into Lawson for accounting purposes. An application that allows payments that where interrupted before being posted to iNovah to be identified and re-sent.

Contract File Transfer

Debt Set Off

Deposit Tracking

Ecommerce Online Payments

Ecommerce Push Payments

Encumbrance History

An application for looking up encumbrance information in Lawson.

An application that provides a payment portal for residents to pay balances due online for Privilege Licenses, Business Permits, Building Inspections, Lane Closures, Arts and Cultural Affairs (Donations) and Parking Payments. Data is applied to the iNovah cashier system and several custom applications and is also moved into Lawson for accounting purposes.

ePayLite Online Payments

Landfill Billing

An application that processes and reports on landfill data for upload into Lawson.

Miscellaneous Cash Processing

An application that calculates, displays, and processes miscellaneous cash, bus ticket payments, and convenience fees into Lawson for accounting. An application for tracking non-sufficient funds related to checks. It tracks customers, communicates via email to different departments on NSF details, and generates letters for customers and the magistrate.

Non-Sufficient Fund Tracking

Parking Ticket History

An application that allows for the lookup of historical parking tickets.

Parking Violation Payments

This processes parking payments daily and is run by the operators each morning.

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