Greensboro Plan2Play Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2019
122 - FEBRUARY 2019
Action 5b. Expand Arts and Cultural Programs and Partnerships Align program needs with Creative
Greensboro, the Greensboro Cultural Arts Master Plan (GCAMP) recommendations including Goal 1 (and recommendations within the goal) - Provide sustained support for arts and culture; Goal 3.3 - Design and implement programs that build the capacities of the arts and cultural sector to be more resilient, agile and adaptive; Goal 4.3 - Initiate a coordinated audience development initiative to increase and diversify audiences and expand participation across all sectors of the community. • Research best practices from other urban parks and recreation systems - Develop an agenda of potential new arts and programming offerings. • Crowd-source - Crowd-source a public-engagement and funding campaign to gain ideas for new programming. Before implementing, ensure there is in-house competency and staff resources to offer and manage arts programming.
Figure 74. Support recommendations in the Greensboro Cultural Arts Master Plan to expand program offerings and create meaningful partnerships.
• Conduct outreach - Look outside the Department to select arts and culture organizations for development of joint- programming potentials. • Address programming gaps - Explore the development and prioritization of the following arts and cultural programs that are not currently offered at all or enough by the Department:
○ Photography
○ Quilting, Sewing, and Weaving
○ Learn to Sing
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