Greensboro Plan2Play Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2019


Action 5c. Address Current and Future Needs for Senior Services The population of Greensboro is aging, which means it is important to grow programs for older residents. Existing Senior Centers are at capacity and a portion of the population, particularly the west side of Greensboro, is under-served for senior activities and spaces. This gap is only projected to widen over the next twenty years. In order to meet senior programming needs, additional space is needed. Key steps include: • Utilize existing space - As an interim measure, the Department can explore the potential to utilize their existing space inventory at recreation centers during non-peak times for senior services programs. This could include establishing a senior club at existing recreation centers to build community with seniors across the city. • Explore partnerships - The Department can also explore

• Conduct a feasibility analysis - The Department should undertake a feasibility analysis to determine the potential for an additional center to meet the need. This feasibility analysis should guide investments in renovations or new construction in the future. With Smith Senior Center located on the northeast side of the

city, the growing west side population has lesser access. Trotter Recreation Center has come up as one possible location for transformation to a senior or multi-generational facility. The feasibility study should consider equitable access across the community, taking into account growth patterns.

partnerships to meet some latent need. They should inventory existing access and potential opportunities for seniors to benefit from use of private facilities in their neighborhoods.

Figure 75. Include more senior programming such as this Geri-fit Course.

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