Greensboro Plan2Play Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2019
Explore Potential to Close Additional Program Gaps - • Explore the development and prioritization of the following programs that are not currently offered at all or enough by the Department, based on national trends occurring in parks and recreation facilities and results from the Community Survey:
for additional environmental education programming opportunities to be brought out into the community more frequently, expanding the methods and reach of environment education. • Create synergistic programming that couples environmental education and outdoor adventure to attract a broader audience of users. Explore Need for Growth in Aquatics Programs - • Expand and grow aquatics-based programming. • Smith Senior Center has the only indoor pool managed by the Department. However, the indoor pool is not utilized for programming outside of senior services needs. This creates a gap in year-round aquatics programming due to the lack of indoor aquatics amenities and dated outdoor pool facilities. Swim lessons are offered at Lindley, Peeler, Warnersville, and Windsor Recreation Centers but only when staffing is available. Partner on Special Events - • The Department should create a special events calendar that is integrated into
the program catalog and registration system to increase awareness of events. As part of this effort, gaps in special event programming should be identified and addressed. • Special events are popular among the community and rank high in national trends. Yet, they are resource and facility intensive. The Department should explore possibilities to partner with corporate and non-profit sponsors for local events. should explore partnerships and innovative ways to add special events programming that builds off of existing offerings. These may include festivals, holiday events (like pumpkin patches), concerts, and movies in the park series. Continue to Support Sports Tourism - • Update or renovate support amenities at outdoor facilities that host tournaments and events. • Outdoor facilities used for tournaments and events are tournament quality, however could benefit from improved supporting amenities (food and beverage, gate, retail, etc.) in order to maximize revenue generation potential. • Regional parks, in particular,
○ Maternity/Postpartum Services
○ Life Skills
○ Group Exercise Classes
○ Adult Fitness & Wellness
○ Inclusion (at Greensboro facilities)
○ Youth and Adult Female Sports
○ Field Hockey
○ Lacrosse
○ Flag Football
○ Pickleball
○ Cooking Classes
○ Rowing
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