Career Dislocated Workers Grant Guide
● GuilfordWorks will not publish content that would constitute discrimination or harassment of any kind, defamation and threats, profanity and similarly inappropriate language, or content that violates copyright and trademark law, promotes illegal activity, or commercial sales. ● All branded communications will deploy proper use of brand logos at appropriate times and locations in print and or electronic media ● There should be an oversight and approval of all public communications sent out electronically, written or in person by any member of the WDB staff by the designated Marketing Manager/Coordinator ● All updates and contents posted on social media and website platforms should be made by individuals approved and given permissible access to update and relay marketing communications content (see social media policy) ● All designated content publishers will abide by standards designed to assure quality, performance, usability, accessibility, and security. Content publishers and owners will be notified if standards are not being met to allow the timely remediation of issues. ● Content must pass review for quality assurance, including coinciding with the WDB brand, brand messaging and strategic planning goals by the designated Marketing Manager/Coordinator. On- going security and performance review, as well as periodic content and design review on websites and web-based sites, will proactively monitor website effectiveness and potential updates, edits or changes needed to the website ● All WDB digital assets should comply with all applicable laws and policies regarding Intellectual Property, Copyright, and Trademark laws ● Proper citations and links to original sources should be provided where possible ● All marketing and communications must be truthful and shall not include misleading facts or statements ● There shall be a marketing and/ or communications template and guideline consistently used and made available for public facing staff for the promotion of events, programs or campaigns designated and or approved by the Marketing Coordinator so as to ensure a consistent delivery of same or similar events. This commitment will support a consistent brand messaging, professional quality and outline of resources needed for effective planning and delivery
All GuilfordWorks marketing must be approved by the marketing and Communications Coordinator and/or Executive Director. Unauthorized marketing efforts are strictly prohibited and may result in a request for or the removal of the unapproved material(s).
Comments or concerns related to any GuilfordWorks marketing should be directed to the Marketing and Communications Coordinator.
Regular updates to this procedure will be made as GuilfordWorks adapts to meet the needs of customers, clients, partners, and the Guilford County workforce. Please refer to these guidelines for the most current revisions.
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