Career Dislocated Workers Grant Guide
Career Services : The types of assistance and/ or tools offered to individuals in search of employment. Basic Career Services : Basic career services are universally accessible and must be made available to all individuals seeking employment and training services in at least one comprehensive career center per local area. Generally, these services involve less staff time and involvement and include services such as: eligibility determinations, initial skill assessments, labor exchange services, provision of information on programs and services, and program referrals. Individualized Career Services : Individualized career services must be provided to participants after staff determine that such services are required to retain or obtain employment, consistent with any applicable statutory priorities. Follow-up Services : States and local areas must provide follow-up services for adults and dislocated worker participants who are placed in unsubsidized employment for up to 12 months after the first day of employment. Integrated services delivery : This model focuses on customer service and is organized around services to customers, not discrete programs offered in silos. In North Carolina, it is a system in which WIOA Title I Adult and Dislocated Worker programs and the Wagner-Peyser Employment Services program are the operational backbone of Career Centers. Centers implementing this system deploy integrated staffing and utilize integrated technology to generate an integrated customer pool and customer flow.
Labor Force : All people who are eligible to work and are currently working or actively looking for work.
Labor Force Participation Rate : The number in the Labor Force divided by the Eligible Working Age Population.
Local Labor Market Information : Providing information about local employers, demand in certain sectors, general salary/wage info, general qualifications.
Training Services : Learning services critical to the educating, employment and/or upskilling of adults and dislocated workers. Types of training services that may be provided include: Occupational skills training On-the-job training Skill upgrading and retraining Job readiness training Adult education and literacy activities Programs that combine workplace training with related instruction Training programs operated by the private sector
Unemployed : All eligible workers without a job and actively looking for one.
Unemployment Rate : The number of unemployed divided by those engaged members of the labor force and is measured based on where people live, not where people work.
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA):
Title I — Workforce Development Activities: Authorizes job training and related services to unemployed or underemployed individuals and establishes the governance and performance accountability system for WIOA. Also encompasses services for Adults, Dislocated Workers, and Youth.
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