Career Dislocated Workers Grant Guide
observations and contact with the organizations clients or targeted audiences. The purpose of the Marketing Policy is to establish the lines of responsibility and standards for GuilfordWorks’ branding, marketing and communications efforts. The policy outlined in this document applies to all of GuilfordWorks staff.
Target market-a particular group of consumers at which a product or service is aimed. Brand awareness-the extent to which consumers are familiar with the distinctive qualities or image of a particular brand of goods or services. Quality Control : A system/ process used to ensure that a product or service adheres to a predefined set of quality standards Strategic plan : A strategic plan is a document used to communicate with the organization the organizations goals, the actions needed to achieve those goals and all of the other critical elements developed during the planning exercise. Web based platforms: A web application is a computer program that utilizes web browsers and has a means of processing this information and presenting the results to the user. A web application is a computer program that utilizes web browsers and web technology to perform tasks over the Internet. Copyright laws : a form of intellectual property law, protects original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, such as poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software, and architecture Trademark law: governs the use of a device (including a word, phrase, symbol, product shape, or logo) by a manufacturer or merchant to identify its goods and to distinguish those goods from those made or sold by another. Service marks, which are used on services rather than goods, are also governed by 'Trademark law. Related Policy: see social media policy, electronic communication policy & public relations policy. The following principles provide guidance towards the creation and distribution of external communications to the public that reflect the brand, and strategic plan of GuilfordWorks. ● Advertising (other than for personnel recruitment) placed on behalf of GuilfordWorks in any publication, flier or electronic medium must be approved by the GuilfordWorks Executive Director and/or their designee(s) before being and/or processed. The Marketing Coordinator and/or the Executive Director or their designee(s) will serve as the point of contact for all advertising vendors This ensures: ● Quality control, appropriateness and consistency of GuilfordWorks messaging and image ● GuilfordWorks receives the most competitive rates possible for all advertising purchases ● GuilfordWorks internal communication and appropriate notice regarding messaging has occurred among all relevant stakeholders ● External Advertising Agencies GuilfordWorks may employ external advertising agencies to provide professional consultation services for GuilfordWorks branding campaigns and other strategic projects. Any program and/or unit contemplating engagement with an advertising or marketing agency should first discuss it with the GuilfordWorks Director or their designee(s) 9.7 MARKETING PRINCIPLES
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