Career Dislocated Workers Grant Guide

Employees should seek to resolve disputes through informal open discussion with the individual(s)

If such a concern cannot be resolved informally through discussions, the employee may schedule a one- on-one meeting with their immediate supervisor. The immediate supervisor must verbally reply to the employee within ten consecutive calendar days of this discussion If the matter is not resolved within the division, the employee may schedule a one-on-one meeting with the Strategic Initiatives Manager of GuilfordWorks. Upon learning of conduct requiring further review, the Strategic Initiatives Manager may complete an internal review to determine appropriate outcomes and reply in writing within ten consecutive calendar days of the discussion. Formal Complaint – A formal complaint (using the Employee Complaint Form) may be initiated to the Assistant Director by an employee or a group of employees in the event the grievance is not resolved within the Departmental level or staff’s employer on record. The Assistant Director must notify the employee of the decision within 20 consecutive calendar days of receipt of the formal complaint. During this time the Assistant Director may interview the employee and/or conduct an investigation into the employee’s complaint. If an investigation will take longer to resolve than the specified 20 days, the Assistant Director will notify the employee within the 20 days and will give him/her an estimated time for completion of the investigation. The Human Resources Department may advise the Assistant Director on the response to the complaint if needed. If the complaint is not settled, and if there is a right to have the formal complaint heard beyond the Assistant Director level, Please refer to the HR Policy Manual (Number H-2, Revision 8, and Definition 4.1) for next steps. Mediation is an informal option which can occur before or after any of the following steps. This voluntary process provides employees with a private way to informally resolve interpersonal challenges. Please refer to the HR Policy Manual (Employee Complaint Resolutions: 4.3) for more information. All complaints are kept confidential to the extent possible while still fulfilling the obligation to investigate and end any harassing conduct. Compliance : This policy should be read in conjunction with the City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual. Marketing aims to build brand and product awareness of a particular product or services, its goal is to align its communications with an organization’s strategic goals and support its tactical initiatives towards fulfilling stated objectives. Marketing uses a variety of concepts, tools and approaches toward creating relevant messages that reach intended audiences for the purposes of brand awareness, brand messaging and building or a call to action. GuilfordWorks’ marketing includes any necessary activities for creating, communicating, deli vering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and the local community. These efforts can include, but are not limited to: printed collateral, written or spoken communications, digital data, radio and television advertising, promotional materials, presentations, and the like. 9.4 MARKETING COMMUNICATION


The Marketing policy promotes an ethical approach to marketing communication that is in observance with marketing standards and federal codes of conduct to include, privacy, copy righting laws, trademark

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