Acceptable Use Policy

Password Guidelines  For your password, create an easy to remember password but difficult for a hacker to guess. Try to use “password phrases” (e.g., IOweYou123$$!! or SeeYou@1230!!!). These are really difficult for a hacker to guess but easy for you to remember. And always make sure your password is at least 14 characters in length. The time it takes for a hacker to crack an 8 character password is 6 hours, while it takes more than 10 years to crack a 14 character password  Be wary of key logger Malware. This is a type of Malware that captures your password whenyou type it into an online service. One indicator that you may have Malware on your system is that the Anti-Malware software stops working (there is a disabled symbol over the Anti- Malware icon on the taskbar). If this happens, please report the issue to the IT Service Desk immediately  Your City password must be different than passwords used for personal accounts  Be sure to never share your password with anyone or write it down  And if you believe that your password may have become compromised, or someone has inadvertently seen it, please change it immediately. Use IM only for workgroup communications of information that would not cause employeesor the City harm if the IM conversations were made public (as government employees, IM conversations are subject to public inspection pursuant to the North Carolina Public Records Law)  Do not use IM for sending sensitive information between employees Mobile devices have arisen as powerful computing devices with access to sensitive and personal information. Follow these rules to keep sensitive and personal information safe:  Do not circumvent mobile device security controls that have been implemented by the City to protect the device  Protect your mobile device by keeping it in a safe location, and avoid leaving the mobile unattended in a motor vehicle or in a public area  Observe all applicable laws including all such laws restricting the use of mobile devices while driving. If an employee is charged with traffic violations resulting from the use ofa mobile device while driving, the employee will be solely responsible for all liabilities that result from such action  Access to the mobile device must be protected with a passcode, Face ID, pattern matching or other types of authentication mechanisms  Only City approved apps with a good reputation from reputable sources are to be installed on City-issued mobile devices  Employees are not permitted to install personal apps on City-issued mobile devices. This includes social media, dating, shopping and other types of personal apps. If an employee requires a personal app to be installed, they must submit a service request to the Cyber Security Team. The request is reviewed and either approved or denied  Immediately contact the IT Service Desk at 373-2322 if your mobile device is lost or stolen Mobile Devices  Refer to the User Provisioning Policy for further information about password complexity requirements Instant Messaging 

Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy


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