Acceptable Use Policy

 Contact the Cyber Security Division to complete a third-party security assessment. Early engagement will avoid any delays to your project

Refer to the Vendor Access Policy for additional policy information.

Internet Browsing  Do not access websites that are deemed inappropriate, offensive or harmful. The companies that run inappropriate websites may not have good security controls in place. And by accessing these websites, you risk getting your system infected with Malware and your information compromised  Do not download copyrighted material like software, music and videos without paying for it.Keep in mind, the City is held liable for any copyrighted material being downloaded using City’s systems and the City may end up paying fines as a result  Do not use the network to store or play music or streaming video from the Internet which isnot related to City business  Do not engage in online fraudulent activities. The City is held liable for the activities you conduct online using its systems. Do not engage in any illegal online activities. Refrain from using City’s systems to sell online products and services like selling products on Craigslist oreBay AI Chatbot Guidelines  Never upload documents or data that contain confidential information including personal identifiable information (PII), bank account numbers, credit card information, social security numbers, and other financial or confidential information  Never provide your login information  Never upload process documents that are specific to the operation of the City of Greensboro (i.e. SOPs, SCADA documents, architectural diagrams, configuration documents, software development documentation, operational documents related to Police, Fire and GM911)  Do not use Chatbots to search for private information about employees or residents  Never use Chatbots for any illegal or fraudulent activities. The City is held liable for any activities you perform using the City’s IT resources  You should not use Chatbots to get personal, legal or medical advice  Check the responses provided by the Chatbots before utilizing it. As some information may be inaccurate or the content might be protected by copyright laws and cannot be used without authorization  Do not click on links provided in Chatbot responses. As some may direct you to malicious websites intended to compromise your credentials. Always check with the Cyber Security Team first before clicking on any links Email Guidelines  Do not send personal or sensitive information in an email to a third-party. Email sent over the Internet is not secure  Do not use personal email (e.g., Yahoo or Google) for City business  Do not set rules in Outlook to auto-forward email to outside email accounts  Do not use City of Greensboro email address to sign up for any websites not related to City business

Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy


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