City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G 1. Supervisor Responsibilities Each supervisor and employee who works alone will: • Identify risks or hazards associated with the work their employees perform when working alone • Conduct and document a risk/hazard assessment for each different type of work or work location where employees may be required to work alone • Immediately notify Greensboro Police of serious threats or crimes against employees • Notify City Safety Manager or People & Culture (P&C) Director of serious threats or crimes against employees • Communicate results of the risk assessment to all affected workers • Eliminate or minimize the hazards through engineering or administrative controls • Establish effective communication procedures for emergencies and assistance • Document situations where working alone is permitted and when it will be prohibited • Use scheduling to avoid the need to conduct hazardous activities alone • Develop a buddy system when work occurs in hazardous environments 2. Employee Responsibilities Each employee that works alone will: • Participate in risk assessments • Follow work practice controls outlined by management • Maintain regular communication as directed by supervision • Immediately notify their supervisor of threats or crimes committed upon them 3. Safety and Management Responsibilities The Safety Division of Human Recourses will: • Assemble threat assessment team as needed • Monitor regulations and legislation to ensure policy meets the requirements of federal and state laws • Consult with staff and management to develop work plans



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