City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G A. An employee who does not report to work, due to a job-related injury, must be diagnosed as disabled by an Approved Medical Provider (AMP) in order to receive Workers’ Compensation benefits. If an employee feels unable to report to work due to a job-related injury, the employee must contact both the immediate supervisor before the start of the work shift and Medical Services. B. When seeing an AMP, the employee must communicate with the immediate supervisor or department designee to inform of the employee’s status immediately. A recently completed Return to Work Form/NCIC Form 28T or an AMP’s note indicating disability may provide adequate documentation, but if the employee is physically able, it is the employee’s responsibility to contact the immediate supervisor or department designee by phone or in person. C. If an employee is absent from work due to a job-related injury, the employee must provide documentation in the form of an AMP’s note or a completed Return to Work Form verifying lost work time. This documentation should contain specific information concerning the employee’s limitations and an estimate of when the employee may return to work, either to modified or regular duty D. Any Workers’ Compensation absence will run concurrently with Family and Medical Leave (FMLA). Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) (page 209) E. A benefit eligible employee may not use annual leave or sick leave while in a Workers’ Compensation Disability status. F. A benefit eligible employee may choose to take annual leave, in lieu of modified duty, as allowed by the North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Act. G. Full time benefit eligible employees who have been employed with the City for at least one year in a full time capacity may be eligible for the City salary supplement if specified requirements are met. See appendix document, Workers’ Compensation Salary Supplement . 5.5 Workers’ Compensation Payments A. The Workers’ Compensation Act requires a disability of seven calendar days before Workers’ Compensation benefits begin. B. Disability compensation will be paid directly to the employee. It will be the employee’s responsibility to communicate with the supervisor/department to make arrangements for receiving the Workers’ Compensation benefit payments. C. While on workers compensation disability, the employee may not be credited or receive the City’s contribution to the North Carolina Local Government Employee Retirement System (NCLGERS). See .

J - Employee Safety & OHSA


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