City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

4.6 Impairment - Employees who have a blood alcohol level of .04 or more. For CDL/safety sensitive employees the action level where employees must be removed from driving and safety sensitive tasks is .02. Impairment also includes employees who have prescription drug levels above those prescribed by a physician or any level of prescription drugs not prescribed to the employee. Impairment may also be indicated by behaviors, some of which are included in Section 4.8 below and in Appendix 8.1, Signs of Possible Substance Abuse. An employee will be considered impaired by drugs, once the results of a positive drug test report from a certified lab are confirmed by the Medical Review Officer (MRO). 4.7 Safety Sensitive - A position where an essential function of the job includes safety sensitive responsibilities. Safety sensitive responsibilities are those that pose a risk to the safety of the employee or others under which a momentary lapse of attention or judgment could have disastrous consequences without the opportunity to rectify the mistake. This definition also includes any position that meets the Federal Highway Administration’s definition in 49 CFR Part 382 for CDL operators and those that maintain CDL required equipment. See the appendix document, Safety Sensitive Positions on page 433. 4.8 Unacceptable Behaviors - Examples of substance abuse related behaviors which will not be tolerated by the City include, but are not limited to: A. Reporting to work impaired. B. The illegal use, sale, manufacture, possession, or distribution of drugs. C. The illegal use, sale, possession, or distribution of alcohol while at work. D. The inappropriate use of prescription or over-the-counter drugs or to the extent that it impairs the employee’s ability to perform the job, unless such use has been cleared by City authorities. E. Use of prescription drugs not prescribed to the employee taking the drug. F. Commission of a crime involving the use, possession, sale, manufacture, or distribution of any controlled substance. G. Failure to report to the supervisor within two days of the charge of a violation of a criminal drug statute. 4.9 Applicants - For the purposes of this policy, applicants will refer to those who have been given a conditional offer of employment. 4.10 Employee Assistance Program (EAP) - A program of assessment of personal problems and referral to medical or community resources for assistance and/or treatment. 4.11 City Substance Abuse Program (CSAP) - A process in the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) where approved City employees may continue employment while under the

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G

H - Employee Success Partnership


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