City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G • Do not be convicted of a criminal or civil offense that impacts your service to the City; • Do not take part in impermissible political activities as defined in the Political Activity (page 40) Policy; and • Do not give or accept gifts in exchange for “favors” or “influence,” or improperly use your position for personal gain, see Gifts (page 83) and Conflict of Interest (page 90) Policies. C. Safety • Wear all pertinent personal protective equipment and follow all established safety procedures; • Avoid willful acts that would endanger the lives and property of others; • Maintain a safe, drug- and alcohol-free work environment; best practices; • Obtain and maintain a current license and/or certification required as a condition for performing your specific job; and • Abide by all written City or department rules, procedures and regulations. B. Behavior • Be professional, respectful, and courteous in your interactions with and treatment of the public, City officials and other City employees; • Maintain conduct that does not constitute a violation of State or federal law or undermines public trust; • Maintain proper conduct that promotes a positive morale, efficiency, safety and normal operation of the division, department or any other segment of City government; • Maintain conduct that promotes public trust on and off duty; • Do not engage in conduct unbecoming a City employee that is detrimental to your service to the City; • Provide accurate and truthful information when seeking a position; • Report any legal action/proceeding against you to your immediate supervisor within two (2) business days of the initial incident as defined in the 6.2 Procedures for Active Employees (page 46) in the B-9 Background Checks Policy. • Do not engage in unauthorized or excessive use of personal mobile communication devices while at work; • Do not audio or video record or photograph employees or citizens at any time without notifying parties affected before the recording or photographing is initiated. This does not apply to criminal investigations being conducted by the Fire and Police Departments nor does it apply to recording or photographing violations of safety or conduct;

H - Employee Success Partnership


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