City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual
City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał
Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G B. Time Worked Records (Timesheets) must be maintained for a minimum of three years. These records may be returned to Payroll or may be retained in the department for three years. If a department or division prefers to retain its own time records, a legal custodian of these records must be identified (in writing) to Accounting. The Department must consult with P&C Employee Success Partnership prior to using a method of recording hours worked other than the electronic Timekeeping System. C. Overtime Compensation Records - When employees are paid for overtime work, the g. Sick-Family Leave (Illness/Death in Family) h. Medical Appointment Leave i. School Parental Leave j. Paid Family Caregiver Leave k. Jury Duty l. Service to Others Leave 2. The following forms of paid leave will count as hours worked: a. Official Duty b. Educational Leave with Pay c. Court Duty H. Volunteers – Under the FLSA, a City employee may volunteer services without compensation for services other than the work duties the employee is normally employed to perform. Compensation for other volunteer work is subject to CMO approval. 5.3 Flex-time - The City of Greensboro permits its employees to utilize flexible working schedules to achieve improved service levels and to accommodate particular needs of the employees when this does not conflict with the effective delivery of City services or result in overtime. For more information, see the Flex-time Work Schedules policy on page 71. 5.4 Unauthorized Work – Any time worked that is unauthorized, on or off the clock is prohibited, including during meal breaks. Employees are subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. 5.5 Recordkeeping Requirements - The FLSA requires specific recordkeeping requirements designed to determine an employee’s eligibility for overtime compensation and if properly compensated when overtime occurs. A. Employee demographic records will be maintained by the P&C Department.
E - Fair Labor Standards
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