City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

5.2 Hours Worked - Specific Situations A. Personal Breaks

1. Although not required by Federal or State law, the City normally permits full time employees two personal break periods of 15 minutes each work day, work load permitting. Part time employees are normally permitted a personal break of 15 minutes each workday, work load permitting. Roster employees are normally permitted breaks in accordance with the number of hours working during the workday, workload permitting. Personal breaks may be authorized by Department Directors providing the following conditions are met: No more than two breaks may be taken during a full time work shift, and breaks: • may not be taken within one hour of the beginning or end of a shift, • may not be combined during a shift, may not be taken in conjunction with the beginning or end of a bona fide lunch period, and • may not be accumulated from one shift to another shift in the same day or any day following the day the break was authorized. 2. Break periods are counted as work time and cannot be used to offset other work time in any workweek or if missed taken later in the day or week. 3. Breaks shall be limited to 15 minutes during the first half of an applicable shift and 15 minutes during the last half of an applicable shift. 4. No breaks, morning or afternoon, may be taken at sit-down restaurants. 5. Crews may take all breaks at the office/work site at an appropriate time. Leaving the work site for breaks is not allowed unless the work at the particular site is complete. 6. The schedule must have the approval of the Department Director. Supervisors are expected to monitor breaks and are held accountable for the employees in their crews. 7. Personal breaks are not a right or entitlement but a privilege granted by the City, work load permitting, and it is expected that no City operation will be hindered in any way by an employee’s break schedule. 8. In accordance with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the City accommodates new parents who wish to continue pumping breast milk returning to the workplace. The City encourages the allocation of reasonable amount of time (15 -25 minutes) for each break as to not to seriously disrupt the operations of the organization. See the Lactation Break policy on page 339 for more information. B. Meal Periods

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G

E - Fair Labor Standards


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