City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

6.3 Departments will consider all qualified candidates for Acting Pay positions. 6.4 Once the selection decision has been approved by P&C Talent Acquisition for the Acting Assignment, the form will be routed to P&C Compensation for review of the Acting Pay request. 6.5 P&C Compensation will provide notification to the Department Director with the decision and explanation. The notification will also indicate when the Acting Pay will begin so the department can notify the employee. 6.6 The Acting Pay must begin at the start of a full payroll period. 6.7 In situations where the approved Acting Assignment begins after the start of a pay period, the Acting Pay will begin on the first day of the nearest full pay period following when the employee begins serving in an approved Acting Assignment. Acting Pay will begin on the 1st and 16th of the month. 6.8 Acting Pay will be paid retroactively once the initial 30-day requirement has been met. 6.9 The Acting Pay will end on the last day of the nearest full payroll period closest to when the employee ceases serving in an approved Acting Assignment. 6.10 The Acting Pay supplement will be calculated as 5% of the acting employee’s annualized base pay or .85 compa-ratio of the control point of the acting position, whichever is greater. 6.11 Requests for extensions of Acting Assignments and Acting Pay beyond six months must be submitted in writing and require approval of the Compensation Manager who will consult with the Talent Acquisition Manager as needed. 6.12 The Acting Pay supplement that is calculated and approved at the start of the Acting Assignment is not recalculated during the duration of the initial Acting Assignment or upon approved extensions of Acting Assignments.

7.0 PEOPLE & CULTURE CONTACT Talent Acquisition (for Acting Assignments) Compensation (for Acting Pay) 8.0 APPENDIX, APPENDICES Acting Assignment/Pay Request Form Job Classifications Position Types (page 428 )

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G

D - Compensation


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