City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual
City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał
Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G Employee Rehire Number: D-11 Revision: 5 Effective Date: 12-01-2023 1.0 POLICY F ormer employees seeking re-employment with the City of Greensboro may receive limited credit for prior City service; salary offers will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. 2.0 PURPOSE T he City recognizes that an employee may leave City service for other employment or personal reasons but later decide to return to City employment. The City cannot guarantee the former employee re-employment. However, should the former employee compete through the normal employment process and ultimately be selected, the provisions of this policy help minimize the rehired employee’s loss by separation when the separation has been of relatively short duration and the former employee has met the conditions of this policy. 3.0 SCOPE This policy applies to all former benefit eligible employees. 4.0 DEFINITIONS 4.1 At-will Employment - At-will employment means that an employer can dismiss an employee at any time for any reason, except an illegal one. Likewise, an employee can quit a job at any time for any or no reason. 4.2 Benefit Eligible - Full time and part time employees who are eligible for coverage and participation in the City’s benefit programs in addition to legally mandated coverage. See the appendix document, Position Types on page 428. 4.3 Compa-ratio - The relationship of an employee’s salary to the salary control point of the position. A compa-ratio is the employee’s salary expressed as a percentage of the salary control point. 4.4 Control Point - The job value the City is willing and able to pay. The control point is based on the market value of jobs and internal value to the organization. The control point is the basis for most salary administration calculations. 4.5 Probationary Period - The probationary period is a “trial period” during which the supervisor determines whether the new employee is suitable for and is able to acceptably meet the City’s job performance and behavioral expectations for the position. It is the benefit eligible employee’s initial period of employment. An employee may be dismissed from City employment without formal steps being taken according to the H-1 Discipline & Expectations
D - Compensation
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