City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

compensation polices, programs or practices are introduced, amended, or eliminated. 5.9 Administrative guidelines for sworn Police and Fire personnel are listed on their respective salary structures. 6.0 PROCEDURES 6.1 Competitive Transfers - Employees interested in transferring to an existing vacant position should apply and compete for the position through the City’s normal recruitment and selection process. Recruitment and Selection (page 19) 6.2 Voluntary Transfers - Employees interested in a transfer, not attained through a competitive process, should follow the process below. A. The employee must make a request in writing to the immediate supervisor, stating a desire to transfer and the reason for the request. B. The supervisor should discuss the request with the division manager. C. The division manager must respond in writing to the employee. The division manager is not obligated to grant the request, but may do so when: 1. The employee has provided the request in writing 2. The request is not due to discreditable circumstances 3. The supervisor’s assessment of the employee’s performance indicates the likelihood of successful performance in a different role. 4. A position is available to accommodate the employee’s request. D. The employee must sign a statement agreeing to the terms and conditions of the transfer. E. If approved, the division manager forwards the original request, response and signed statement with the necessary paperwork to the P&C Department to execute the transfer. F. The employee’s request, the division manager’s response and the signed statement will be included in the employee’s official record. 7.0 PEOPLE & CULTURE CONTACT Compensation 8.0 APPENDIX, APPENDICES Employee Voluntary Transfer Request Form Job Classifications Position Types (page 428 )

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G

D - Compensation


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