City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual
City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał
Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G 4.5 Compa-ratio - The relationship of an employee’s salary to the salary control point of the position. A compa-ratio is the employee’s salary expressed as a percentage of the salary control point. 4.6 Salary Range - Each pay grade within each salary structure has a salary range minimum and salary range maximum, determined through market surveys. 5.0 ORGANIZATIONAL RULES Promotional Salary Increases Number: D-6 Revision: 6 Effective Date: 06-01-2014 1.0 POLICY T he City of Greensboro provides the opportunity for a promotional salary increase to employees promoted through a competitive process. 2.0 PURPOSE T o reward employees for successful appointment to a higher value job requiring the demonstration and application of a higher level of knowledge and skill to provide a means of maintaining equitable salary relationships with other employees based on differences in responsibilities and work assignments. 3.0 SCOPE This policy applies to all benefit-eligible employees. 4.0 DEFINITIONS 4.1 At-will Employment - At-will employment means that an employer can dismiss an employee at any time for any reason, except an illegal one. Likewise, an employee can quit a job at any time for any or no reason. 4.2 Benefit-Eligible - Full time and part-time employees who are eligible for coverage and participation in the City’s benefit programs in addition to legally mandated coverage. See the appendix document, Position Types on page 428. 4.3 Promotion - The movement of an employee from a position in a job classification assigned to one control point to a position assigned to a higher value salary control point through a competitive process. 4.4 Salary Control Point - The job value the City is willing and able to pay. The salary control point is based on the market value of jobs and internal value to the organization. The salary control point is the basis for most salary administration calculations.
D - Compensation
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