City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual
City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał
6.0 PROCEDURES 6.1 The City’s total compensation program is reviewed periodically. This review includes a competitive assessment of the City’s salary structures, salaries/wages, employee benefits, and other financial and non-financial rewards that contribute to successful recruitment and retention of a highly qualified, competent and committed workforce. 6.2 The P&C Department acquires salary and benefits data through a combination of participation in compensation surveys, purchase of published salary market data, ongoing participation with other organizations in gathering and analyzing salary and benefits data and other relevant information. 6.3 The P&C Department analyzes salary and benefits market data to determine the City’s relationship to the competitive labor market. 6.4 The P&C Department recommends to the City Manager reasonable compensation and benefit program offerings and/or structural adjustments that support the effective delivery of the City’s Compensation Philosophy. 6.5 Salary structure adjustments, when approved by the City Manager for implementation, shall be implemented effective September 1 of the fiscal year. An employee’s salary that falls below the new range minimum, due to a salary structure adjustment, shall be raised to the new range minimum effective upon implementation of the new structures. 7.0 PEOPLE & CULTURE CONTACT Compensation 8.0 APPENDIX, APPENDICES Executive and General Salary Structure Fire Salary Structure General Step Salary Structure Job Classifications Police Salary Structure
Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G
D - Compensation
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