City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual
City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał
Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G Workplace Appearance and Fragrance/Scent Number: B-23 Revision: 0 Effective Date: 11-01-2021 1.0 POLICY T he City is fully committed to providing a workplace conducive to efficiency and productivity. The City has developed guidelines for appropriate appearance and use of scented products and fragrances in the workplace. 2.0 PURPOSE A neat and professional appearance is a requirement of the City of Greensboro. General cleanliness and personal hygiene are important in all work environments. It is expected that all employees will exercise good judgment in their appearance for their jobs. Different styles of dress will be necessary depending on the degree of customer contact, the nature of the work, work location, and safety issues. Departments may implement more specific dress codes based on business need (i.e. uniforms). If a department implements a dress code more restrictive than this policy, the departmental representative must contact their a ssigned People & Culture (P&C) Employee Success Partner (ESP) for further discussion. Clothing and other wearable accessories (i.e. face masks) that display potential offensive language are prohibited. Seek any additional needed guidance from your assigned departmental Employee Success Partner. Recognizing that employees and visitors to our offices may have sensitivity or allergic reactions to various products, the City of Greensboro strives to be a fragrance-free workplace. 3.0 SCOPE This policy covers all employees and applicants of the City of Greensboro. 4.0 DEFINITIONS 4.1 Appearance - Appearance includes general cleanliness and personal hygiene. Appearance also may include clothing, tattoos, hair color, hair styles, piercings. 4.2 Fragrance/Scent - Fragrance/Scent includes, but is not limited to personal products natural or artificial (such as fragrances, colognes, perfume, lotions and powders) that have perceptible odors. Other scented products include candles, potpourri, scented aerosol sprays, essential oils, scented cleaning products and similar items. 4.3 Offensive - Words or language that causes offense to a reasonable person. Words or language that is hurtful, derogatory obscene, and/or creates a disruption in the work environment. 4.4 Personal space - An area consisting of a 2ft circumference around an individual in any
B - General Employment Policies
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