City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual
City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał
available to the general public. C. Employees assigned to outlying work locations who are periodically required to travel to downtown facilities on official business will be provided validation stamps for parking in City owned facilities or may park in designated short term areas where provided. Validation stamps will not be furnished for normal parking for downtown area employees. D. Employees who are permanently or temporarily disabled may qualify for handicap parking. Employees who qualify will pay the same parking rates as other employees parked in the same parking area but will be allotted a parking space close to their usual work location. To be eligible for a handicap parking space in a downtown city-owned or operated facility, the employee’s work location must be in the downtown area. The Medical Services Supervisor, in collaboration with the Transportation Department’s Parking Operations Office will determine if an employee qualifies for a handicapped parking privilege. Employees will be asked to provide medical documentation to support a request for handicapped parking. Any employee who fraudulently applies for or uses a handicapped parking space will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. See the appendix document, Handicapped Parking Procedures on page 418. 5.2 Transit Passes - Some employees may choose to use the City operated transit system for commuting purposes rather than a personal vehicle. The City will assist such use as follows: A. Employees are eligible for assistance with either parking expenses as described in Section 5.1 or transit expenses as described below, but not both. B. The City will subsidize employee transit pass purchases. The monthly limit is the lesser of one-half of the monthly rate charged at the Greene Street Parking Deck or the maximum non taxable amount allowed by the Internal Revenue Code. C. Passes are not transferable and must be used for commuting by the employee only. 6.0 PROCEDURES 6.1 Employee Parking A. Employees who work at facilities other than downtown will, in most cases, have access to free parking. Employees should ask their supervisors where the available parking is located. B. Employees who work in the downtown central business district will not have access to City provided non-paid parking but may make arrangements to park in a City parking facility by contacting the Parking Operations Manager. A benefit eligible employee who parks in a City parking facility will receive a City provided subsidy to offset the cost of parking. C. Employees who are permanently or temporarily disabled and who may qualify for handicapped parking should submit a request, in writing, to the City Medical Services Manager with medical documentation of the qualifying condition. The request should also include
Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G
B - General Employment Policies
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