City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

Flex-time Work Schedules Number: B-16 Revision: 2 Effective Date: 08-01-2018 1.0 POLICY

I t is the policy of the City of Greensboro to permit its employees to utilize flexible working schedules to achieve improved service levels and to accommodate particular needs of the employees when this does not conflict with the effective delivery of City services. 2.0 PURPOSE F lex-time Work Schedules are not a benefit. However, the City supports employees in addressing a balance between their jobs and their family concerns and recognizes that flexible work schedules may assist employees in achieving this balance. Flexible work schedules may also be utilized to expand hours of operation to better accommodate resident service. The City supports flexibility for employees with the understanding that effective and efficient service delivery for citizens is paramount. Whenever possible, the City will attempt to accommodate the employee as long as the accommodation does not negatively impact service delivery. 3.0 SCOPE This policy applies to all benefit eligible employees. Roster employees, because of the nature of their employment, work on an as needed basis thus this policy will not apply. Seasonal employees may work an unusual schedule but would not normally qualify on an individual basis for the provisions of this policy. 4.0 DEFINITIONS 4.1 Flex-time - Alternative work schedule which allows an employee to vary the time or days that the employee arrives at work and departs from work. 4.2 Benefit Eligible - Full time and part time employees who are eligible for coverage/ participation in the City’s benefit programs in addition to legally mandated coverage. See the appendix document, Position Types on page 428. 4.3 Roster - Positions where employees work irregular schedules on a call-in, “as needed” basis averaging less than 20 hours per week over time. See the appendix document, Position Types on page 428. 4.4 Seasonal Temporary - Typically, these positions are filled on a 40 hours/week basis (but may be less) for a defined period of time ranging from two to eight months per year. SSee the appendix document, Position Types on page 428. 4.5 Disability - A disability, as defined in this policy, the Americans with

Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G

B - General Employment Policies


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