City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual
City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał
2. Obtaining the appropriate NCLGERS Physician Certification (Form 7A) from P&C Benefits, and submit to the employee’s physician for completion 3. Obtaining the appropriate NCLGERS application (Form 7) from P&C Benefits to initiate the disability retirement process 4. Contacting P&C Benefits for a follow up meeting to finalize the employee’s anticipated disability retirement date. The employee should be prepared to provide P&C Benefits with completed Forms 7 and 7A and any medical documentation supplied by the provider to support the certification of the employee’s disability at which time P&C Benefits will finalize the City’s portion of the application and submit to the State 5. Employees waiting for application approvals may use Sick Leave, Annual leave, Holiday Leave and FLSA Comp as approved by the Department Director to remain in a paid status until the determined retirement date. Employees cannot be paid beyond the projected retirement date. 6. An employee is placed on authorized Leave Without Pay after all paid leave is exhausted pending the approval of the disability retirement application. In the event the disability retirement application is not approved by the NC Retirement System, the employee may exercise the appeal rights as noted in the declination notice 7. If the employee does not submit an appeal within the time frame outlined in the employee’s notice of declination, the employee will be terminated as of the date of appeal deadline. 8. If the employee submits an appeal to the NC Retirement System, People & Culture will not initiate any changes to the employment status until a final determination is received. 9. In the event the disability retirement is not approved by the Medical Review Board and the employee cannot return to work in the employee’s assigned position, the employee will be separated from City employment on the date retirement had been requested. 10. The employee may apply for vacant City positions. Placement cannot be guaranteed, but every effort will be made to place the employee in a vacant position for which the employee meets the minimum qualifications and which falls within the medical restrictions indicated by the physician. In these circumstances the City will follow the reasonable accommodations policy. 6.3 Re-employment After Early or Service Retirement A one-month break from performing any work for an NCLGERS employer after the member’s NCLGERS retirement date is required to avoid a financial penalty. The financial penalty for an NCLGERS retiree who returns to work for an NCLGERS employer on a part-time, temporary, interim, or fee for service basis, during the month in which the retiree’s initial NCLGERS retirement benefit became effective, will be the lesser of the following as determined by the
Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G
B - General Employment Policies
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