City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manual
City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał
the case, the interviews should be conducted by a panel of at least three (3) interviewers prior to making a final decision. The panel must contain one member who is not from the hiring division. If a hiring official believes a referred candidate is not qualified, the hiring official should contact P&C Talent Acquisition to resolve the issue. Application information is confidential. Anyone involved in the interview process is required to keep applicant information confidential. F. The Department Director or designee at the Division Manager level must authorize all hiring decisions. G. The hiring official is responsible for managing the interview and final selection process including reference checks, review of current personnel file (for current and former City employees), background screening, and the initial or promotional appointment to City service. Once a hiring decision is made and the applicant has cleared all post offer requirements, the decision should be shared with all other applicants first prior to announcement within the department and/or organization. Applicant information should remain confidential. See the Appointments policy on page 27 for more information. Hiring Salaries (page 113) Probationary Salary Increases (page 116) H. The hiring official or designee must contact all applicants who were referred and not selected. The contact may be by phone, letter, or email. I. When the interview process is completed and a hiring decision has been made, the hiring official must return all recruitment information to P&C Talent Acquisition. This includes the: 1. interview questions and interviewer(s) notes, and 2. all information collected during the interview and selection process, (whether by phone or in person) and all reference checks completed by the hiring official. The status of all applicants referred to the hiring official in iApplyGreensboro must be updated appropriately. By law, the P&C Department is responsible for the retention of these records for a minimum of three (3) years from date of the hiring decision unless a charge is filed; if so, a record will be retained one (1) additional year after a charge is resolved. 6.3 Temporary Hiring Process The temporary hiring process is for roster and seasonal temporary positions. Positions must be advertised through P&C Talent Acquisition. Applications are received and referred to the department without screening. The hiring official should follow a structured screening process to reduce the number of applicants interviewed or should interview all the applicants. P&C Talent Acquisition is available, upon request, to advise the hiring official on a structured screening and/or interview process.
Table of Contents A B C D E F H I J K L List of Appendices G
B - General Employment Policies
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