policy manual 10 2015
City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał
5.0 ORGANIZATIONAL RULES 5.1 All employees will be allowed time to serve active duty for annual reservist training and will be returned to work in the same or like position they occupied prior to the reservist training. A. Benefit eligible full time employees will be provided paid leave as defined in Section 4.2 of this policy. Normally the maximum City paid leave will be 40 hours for full time employees. Sworn police officers and firefighters, depending on their scheduled hours of work, may have a slightly different maximum paid leave. B. Benefit eligible part time employees will be provided paid leave as defined in Section 4.2 of this policy. Normally, the maximum City paid leave will be 20 hours for PT 20 employees; 25 5.2 For any active duty annual reservist training in excess of the customary two weeks, the employee may use paid time-off. Sworn police officers and firefighters may also use accumulated holidays. 5.3 If an employee is injured while serving annual reservist training, he must be cleared medically by City medical services before returning to work. 6.0 PROCEDURES 6.1 All requests for time off due to active duty for annual reservist training leave must be submitted to the supervisor/manager in advance and accompanied by the official set of orders or a letter from the commanding officer. 6.2 For the two weeks of annual reservist training that are compensated at one-half pay, the benefit eligible employee must notify his supervisor/manager with the following information: A. The total number of hours absent for annual reservist training leave to be entered into the City’s time-keeping system using the appropriate military training half-pay code. B. The remainder of the annual reservist training leave will be charged to paid time-off. Unpaid service time will not impact the employee’s service time with the City. 6.3 The City’s time-keeping system must account for all military leave hours in excess of the two weeks of training. Unpaid service time will not impact the employee’s service time with the City. 6.4 The employee must provide the official set of orders or a letter from the commanding officer to his supervisor/manager. 6.5 The supervisor is responsible for ensuring the appropriate hours and pay codes are entered into the City’s time-keeping system. 6.6 Upon receipt of release orders from annual reservist training, the employee must schedule a hours for PT 25 employees; and 30 hours for PT 30 employees. C. Other employees will be allowed unpaid time off from work.
F H I J K L TableofContents G
Table of Contents A B C D E
F - Leaves of Absence f
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