policy manual 10 2015

City of Greensboro Personnel Policy Manuał

 Annual Leave Earning Rates  (effective 01-01-11) PT 20 Hours/ Week

PT 25 Hours/ Week  Monthly Annual Leave 5 hours (60/ year) 6.25 hours(75/ year) 7.5 hours (90/ year)

PT 30 Hours/ Week   Monthly Annual Leave 6 hours (72/ year)  7.5 hours (90/ year)  9 hours (108/ year) 

Monthly Annual Leave  4 hours (48/ year)  5 hours (60/ year)  6 hours (72/ year)  7 hours (84/ year)  8 hours (96/ year)

Continuous Service

0 - 48 months (0-4 years)

49-108 months (5- 9 years)

109-168 months (10-14 years)

8.75 hours (105/year)

10.5 hours (126/year)   12 hours (144/year) 

169-228 months (15-19 years)

10 hours (120/ year)

229+ months (20+ years)

B. An employee will not be eligible to begin earning annual Leave until after the completion of six months of continuous service. If the employee completes six months service, he will be credited with 48 hours of annual leave for full time employees and 24 hours for PT 20 employees; 30 hours for PT 25 employees; or 36 hours for PT 30 employees. C. Employees who leave City service prior to completing six months service will not earn any annual leave. D. Credit for the first month of employment will be given if the employee has one-half or more service during that month, i.e., an employment date of the 1st through 15th of the month will begin earning leave as described above. An employment date of the 16th through the end of the month will earn one-half the amount of above. 5.2 Annual Leave Use A. The timing and amount of annual leave taken for any employee will be subject to approval of an authorized supervisor. Approval will be based on the operating requirements of the department, and insofar as possible, the request of the employee. B. Annual leave may be advanced to a benefit eligible employee, with the approval of the department director, up to a limit of 80 hours for a full time employee. Part time employees may be advanced annual leave with the approval of the department director as follows: 40 hours for a PT 20 employee; 50 hours for a PT 25 employee; or 60 hours for a PT 30 employee. Advanced annual leave will create a negative annual leave balance which must be repaid by the employee. Upon termination any annual leave taken but not earned will be deducted from the final paycheck. It is the responsibility of the department to see that any annual leave taken but not earned is deducted from the final earnings record.

F H I J K L TableofContents G

Table of Contents A B C D E

F - Leaves of Absence f


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