Discover Greensboro: Winter | Spring 2020
VISUAL ART CLASSES Art classes for all skill levels in oil painting, pottery, watercolor, sculpting, and drawing. Art Alliance, Greensboro Cultural Center All ages | ongoing 336-373-2725 $$$$ WE DANZ – DANCE CLASSES Youth class covers various types of dance and has seasonal performances. Glenwood Recreation Center 13-17 years 336-373-2929 WEDNESDAY WORKSHOPS Monthly theatre workshops for teens and adults. Each class offers a unique opportunity to learn an aspect of theatre or film. The Drama Center, Greensboro Cultural Center $$
SHAG CLASS Dance class that focuses on shag dancing and techniques. Glenwood Recreation Center 18+ | weekly 336-373-2929 SQUARE DANCE A fun low impact exercise for both the body and the mind. Our experienced dancers revel in the joy of the dance and the camaraderie. Experienced dancers only. Leonard Recreation Center, Lindley Recreation Center 18+ | ongoing 336-297-4889 TEEN HIP-HOP DANCE Dance class that focuses mainly on hip-hop type dances for teens. Glenwood Recreation Center 13-17 years | weekly 336-373-2929 FREE $$ $ BRIDGE A challenging, stimulating game that enhances mental acuity, math skills, and partnership communication. It keeps aging minds young and helps young minds develop new skills . Leonard Recreation Center, Lewis Recreation Center 18+ | weekly 336-373-2558 CHESS CLUB A class for youth and adults to learn the basics and fundamentals of chess and compete. Lewis Recreation Center All ages | weekly 336-373-3330 FREE $
THEATRE CLASSES Designed around various topics including acting, stage combat, storytelling, technique, musical theatre, and more. The Drama Center, Greensboro Cultural Center 6+ | begins in March 336-373-2974 TRIAD TAMIL EDUCATION Students learn the ancient language of southern India and Sri Lanka and the rich culture that goes with it. Leonard Recreation Center 5-12 years | ongoing 336-297-4889 TRI-CITY HUSTLERZ LINE DANCING A hip-hop line dancing class with beginner and experienced level courses. Glenwood Recreation Center 18+ 336-373-2929 FREE FREE $$$$ GREENSBORO BADMINTON CLUB An athletic club that promotes the practice of badminton by everyone. Leonard Recreation Center All ages | weekly 336-297-4889 PINOCLE A trick taking, ace-ten card game for four players played with a 48-card deck. Challenge your mind and enjoy your friends while playing this game. Leonard Recreation Center 50+ | weekly 336-297-4889 FREE $
13+ | ongoing 336-373-2974
Greensboro Recreation Centers hosts a variety of groups that meet for cards or other games. More info:
MAH JONGG A tile-based game that was developed in China and has spread throughout the world since the early 18th century. It is commonly played by four players and offers an intellectual challenge in a fun social setting. Leonard Recreation Center 50+ | weekly 336-297-4889 SCRABBLE CLUB A class for youth and adults to play and learn the fundamentals of Scrabble. Lewis Recreation Center All ages 336-373-3330 FREE FREE
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