Discover Greensboro: Winter | Spring 2020
DANCE CLASSES Offering classes in all styles of dance including modern, hip-hop, and ballet. Dance Project, Greensboro Cultural Center All ages | weekly 336-373-2727 KINDERMUSIK CLASSES Early childhood music classes where children experience music of varying styles, genres, and cultures while interacting and engaging in movement, rhythm, and vocal activities that develop more than just music skills. Music Center, Greensboro Cultural Center Newborn-5 years | weekly 336-373-2547 MUSIC PRIVATE INSTRUCTION Comprehensive group and private instruction program offering instruction on violin, cello, voice, clarinet, flute, piano, percussion, and guitar. Music Center, Greensboro Cultural Center 4+ | ongoing 336-373-2547 MUSIC THERAPY CLASSES Small groups for children and adults with disabilities. Music activities used to achieve social, cognitive, motor, and communication goals. Classes are inclusive and open to individuals of all abilities. Allegro Music Therapy, Greensboro $$$$ $$$$ $$$$
ARTS & CULTURE Greensboro sponsors music, drama, and art programs for all ages. More info: or
ABRAKADOODLE ART Classes are available for all ages and are all about creativity and expression! Leonard Recreation Center All ages 336-297-4889 BALLET/TAP/JAZZ Dance Combo introduces youth to ballet, tap, and jazz. Students will learn the basic concepts and explore the steps to these classic styles. Leonard Recreation Center 5-8 years | weekly 336-297-4889 BOLD AND TAKING OVER DANCE GROUP Dance group provides creative expression to youth. Brown Recreation Center 5-17 years | weekly 336-373-2920 CAROLINA CLAY GUILD An organization of people who work with clay whose purpose is to provide the opportunity for members and the public to gain experience with ceramics. Leonard Recreation Center 18+ | weekly 336-297-4889 $$ $$$$ $ $
CHINESE ASSOCIATION DANCE Class focuses on traditional Asian dances. Glenwood Recreation Center 18+ | weekly 336-373-2929 CLOGGERS Group of community members who meet and practice the dance form of clogging. Lewis Recreation Center All ages | weekly 336-373-3330 COFFEE AND CANVAS Provide a social setting for active older adults to socialize through 50+ | monthly 336-373-2928 COMMUNITY PERFORMING ENSEMBLES Play an instrument or sing? Join one of the 14 community performing ensembles ranging from orchestra to band to chorus and FREE FREE $ painting and coffee. Griffin Recreation Center
Cultural Center 12+ | weekly 336-373-2547
everything in between. Greensboro Cultural Center All ages | See website for rehearsal schedules. 336-373-2547 FREE
No Cost $1 - 25 $26 - 50 $51 - 75 $75 + PRICE GUIDE FREE $ $$ $$$ $$$$
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