Information Technology Policy Manual FY22-23
• Other laws – Open data and related tools such as websites and portals shall adhere to all copyright, public records, retention, fair use and financial disclosure laws and other laws as applicable.
• Third Party Citations – Citations of vendors, suppliers, clients, citizens, coworkers or other stakeholders may not be provided without their explicit permission. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. The Open Data Program will be overseen by the Open Data Leadership Team, comprised of representatives from The City Manager’s Office or designee(s), internal City of Greensboro’s respective departments, and inclusive of inputs from the public. 2. The Chief Information Officer will work with the City of Greensboro’s respective departments to Identify data coordinators who will identify potential open datasets, upload data to the Open Data Portal, contextualize datasets with descriptive metadata, explain or cite how the data was created, provide unique identifiers for entities they reference the most, provide code sharing, and periodically update the data based on internal and external needs. 3. The Chief Information Officer has established the position of Chief Data Officer who will help to define and execute the vision of the open data program, set priorities, outline policies, manage departmental participation, and coordinate the open data program’s technical systems and organizational processes. 4. The Chief Data Officer will oversee the creation of a comprehensive inventory of potential open datasets held by each department which is published to the Open Data Portal and regularly updated. 5. The Chief Data Officer will develop technical requirements for publishing public datasets by department. 6. The Chief Data Officer will develop and implement a process for prioritizing the release of datasets to the Open Data Portal which takes into account new and existing signals of interest from the public, the City’s programmatic priorities, and existing opportunities for data use in the public interest, and costs. 7. The Chief Data Officer will establish processes for publishing datasets to the Open Data Portal, including processes for ensuring that datasets are reviewed for use-appropriate formats, applicable citations of sources when required, quality, timeliness, and exclusion of protected and sensitive information; 8. The Chief Data Officer will develop and oversee a routinely updated, public timeline for new dataset publication;
9. The Chief Data Officer will ensure that published datasets are available for download.
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