Information Technology Policy Manual FY23-24


Break/Fix: Changes that are initiated to repair a non-conforming product or service.

Change: The addition, modification, or removal of anything that could have an effect on IT systems and/or services.

Change Advisory Board (CAB) : An empowered body that oversees change procedures, validates, and approves/rejects documented changes. The CAB is responsible for viewing the information provided in every change request in order to ensure that the changes are sufficiently researched, documented, communicated, planned, and executed according to defined cost, schedule, performance, and risk criteria. Change Coordinator/Requestor (CC) : The person responsible for entering the change into the CM system and managing the change through to its completion. The change coordinator may delegate work activities to their respective staff as appropriate. Change Management (CM) : The process of documenting a change, reviewing the potential impact of that change, controlling the timing of the change and, upon completion, verifying the completeness of the change. Change Manager/Project Manager (CMGR/PM) : The Change Manager is a member of the IT staff who is responsible for changes across the enterprise. In this instance, the change manager and project manager will be synonymous. The Change Manager/Project Manager of the IT Department will ensure all changes are documented, that each change enters the CAB process for approval or rejection, and will monitor progress of the change by utilizing Program Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) standards that are tailored specifically to the department need. Change Request (CR) : A broadly defined term that describes the overall process of requesting validation of a change. The CR is composed of various pieces of information depending on the type of change and the Project Management documentation method employed. Change Type (CT) : Change types are classified as Emergency, Low, Medium, and High. Their classification is dependent upon an acceptable time period established by various service level agreements and can vary by division and stakeholder agreements.

Emergency Change : These are highly critical changes that must be implemented within 72 hours to react to system failure/outages or to prevent system failure/outages from occurring.

Incident: An unplanned occurrence that disrupts normal operations and has a significant impact to services provided by the IT department.

Initiative : A program management framework that classifies a particular work activity based on enterprise operations. For the purposes of this policy an initiative consists of the following non-inclusive traits.

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