Information Technology Performance Workplan
13. Completed Employee tuition claim app with approval workflow. 14. Department needs assessed; RPI solutions guided. 15. Revised and republished service catalog 16. Completed INFOR Version upgrade to V11 17. Rewrite 45 applications/interfaces to Support INFOR v11 Upgrade 18. Bond Tracker App updated. 19. Council District overview app created.
20. Improved date tracking in plan review system. 21. Near Me App developed; approval received. 22. Finance year-end reports data updated. 23. CIP application updated for 2022 bonds.
24. Vendor selected for Code Enforcement/GTA. 25. New SAN configured; file share/data moved. 26. Install cameras and Wi-Fi in downtown parks for safety. 27. Migrate home drive content to OneDrive for enhanced accessibility.
28. App developed for Special Event Permits. 29. Piedmont Discover Framework updated 30. EAM implemented for Parks & Recreation.
Combined Strategic Priorities Goal
Performance Measure / Indicator
Number of security assessments conducted annually
1 Number of disaster recovery exercises conducted annually 1 Percent of City staff that successfully responds to simulated email security 2 Percent of service desk requests completed within 5 days 2 Application issues resolved through developer on call 2 Service Desk Tickets Closed 2 Returned leased devices 2 New received devices 2 Telecom Tickets Closed 2 Video Security Tickets Closed 2 Cellular Ticker Closed 4 Number of online forms/applications launched 5 IT Infrastructure replaced annually 5 Replaced and Upgraded IT Cameras
Strategic Priority: Safest City
Performance Measure / Indicator
Prior Year
1 1 1
Number of security assessments conducted annually Number of disaster recover exercised conducted annually Percent of City staff that successfully responds to simulated email security
9 4
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