IT Service Catalog for Year 2018-2019
Supported Applications A P P E N D I X E
Application Services Supported Applications
Application Name
Parks and Recreation
A public facing search to allow residents to look up burials in Forest Lawn, Green Hill, and Maplewood cemeteries that has data dating back to 1840.
Cemetery Search
A public facing search to allow residents to look up records of soldiers who fought in the Civil War by rank, service, company and regiment.
Civil War Search
Neighborhood Development
CLCS Homeowners Insurance Letters
An application that allows for the printing of insurance letters from the Construction Loan Control System.
Roster Payroll Processing
An application that processes roster employee data and uploads it into Lawson for the eventual printing of paychecks.
An application to look up invoices, credits, debits, and dispute information from Lawson. It also prints invoices.
Collections Inquiry
Community Case Management System
An application that enables Community Relations to track issues for follow up that are reported to them from residents. It has data entry and reporting features.
An application for the Contact Center to track and route resident requests to the appropriate department for follow up. It features Enterprise Asset Management and Lawson integration and an extensive knowledge base used by contact center representatives or other third parties. Additionally, there is 3rd party software supported that allows citizens to initiate chat sessions with Contract Center representatives. An application that tracks a contract as it progresses from the originating department to the other required departments for signatures. It has data entry and reporting features and prints customized contract routing sheets and logs to assist with efcient routing and tracking of the contract as it completes the signature process.
Communications & Marketing
Contact Center
Contract Approval and Routing System
A public facing form to allow the residents to communicate, via e-mail, with Greensboro Council members.
Council E-mails
An application that helps the executive ofce enter and retrieve ImageNow documents that are associated with Council meetings.
Council Index
Automated ticket routing for Dean’s service or supply requests through IT Service Desk staf and to Dean’s technicians.
Dean’s Request
An application that tracks debt owed by individuals and the status of the debt over time for many categories including Water, Returned Checks, Privilege License, Parking, Miscellaneous Billing, etc. It pushes and pulls data from the North Carolina Five Star Clearing House. It applies debt payments to the collections system and transfers it to accounting via Lawson. Lastly, it has integration with T2, the Parking Ticket system, for tracking money owed and payments made on Tickets.
Debt Set Of
Human Resources
Delta Dental Coverage
An application that builds a custom electronic fle to transfer data related to employees, and their dependents, who are eligible for dental insurance coverage with Delta Dental.
An application that reads deposit information from Lawson and allows for deposit comments to be entered for tracking purposes.
Deposit Tracking
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