IT Service Catalog for Year 2018-2019

I N F R A S T R U C T U R E A N D O P E R A T I O N S $ Online Billing Review (OBR) for Lease Charges Online Billing Review (OBR) for active leases refers to the process of reviewing and analyzing lease bills against any billing guidelines, service level agreements, and other generally accepted standards. OBR plays a vital role in spend management through the review and analysis.


• Integration of billing systems

• Historical billing

• Centralized accounting

• Administrative reporting • Development and system maintenance

How do we charge? Included in monthly Network charge (Appendix A)

Major cost drivers • Number of active leases


• Hardware acquisition • Number of active user accounts • Hardware support • Systems administration • Maintenance

Priority Critical


4 Hours


Same Day


3 Days 5 Days


What should you expect? Service availability: 24/7 service availability (maintenance windows will be scheduled during non-business hours)

Contact: Kathy Goodwin Leasing Administrator 336-373-2828

How can you help? Did you recently receive a newly leased computer and realize you left fles you needed on your old computer? Don’t worry! The IT Department keeps backups of all computers for 90 days after their return which provides access to fles not transferred at the time of the exchange.


Remember your charges are available online every month enabling you to track your billing.

18 I T S E R V I C E C A T A L O G • F Y 2 0 1 8 - 2 0 1 9

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