IT Policies Manual FY 2024-2025

Docusign Envelope ID: CE02E790-7159-459B-9F50-C807BADBC958

Leased Networked Laser Printers

• Leased Networked Multifunction Printers • Leased Networked Plotters


There are no associated definitions applicable for this policy.


• All printers and plotters should be leased through the Information Technology Department. The City of Greensboro’s Finance and Information Technology Departments have adopted a 60-month leasing policy to provide printers and plotters for the organization. This in effect, allows the City to take advantage of long term cost offsets that are more beneficial than purchasing a printer and then maintaining it through its respective life-cycle. Consumables, such as paper and staples can be purchased by the respective departments. For leased printers and plotters the need for toner should be entered as a Service Desk ticket at: http://citynet/MyTools/Pages/ComputerIconTopofPage.aspx • Printers and plotters are to be used for documents that are relevant to the day-to-day conduct of business at the City of Greensboro. The City of Greensboro printers and plotters should not be used to print personal documents. • Installation of personal printers and plotters are generally not condoned at the City of Greensboro due to the cost of maintaining and supporting many dispersed machines. In certain circumstances however, where confidentiality and remote location utilization is a consideration, the need to print a large number of low volume print jobs, or other unusual situation is at issue, personal printers or plotters may be allowed. The decision of putting a personal printer or plotter into an area is at the discretion of the Information Technology Director, the affected Department Head and/or the City Manager’s Office. • Make efforts to limit paper usage by taking advantage of duplex printing (i.e. double-sided printing) features offered by some printers and other optimization features (e.g. printing six PowerPoint slides per page versus only one per page). • The monthly cost of most leased printers and plotters include the toner from the vendor.

• Avoid printing large files, as this puts a strain on network resources and interferes with the ability of others to use the printer or plotter.

• It is recommended that all print or copy jobs that exceed 1,000 pages should be done by the City’s Print Shop.


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