IT Policies Manual FY 2024-2025

Docusign Envelope ID: CE02E790-7159-459B-9F50-C807BADBC958

• For emergency break/fixes after normal business hours will be addressed by the Service Desk Team. Simply call 336-373-2322. The Service Desk team will notify the CIO and PM of any break/fix issues up to 11PM but are authorized to make emergency changes as needed to restore services. The Service Desk team will back brief the CIO and PM the following morning at the beginning of the business day and the PM will document the outage via an emergency change request. • Change requests must be filled out in their entirety and will include various programmatic elements, implementation, testing, and fallback plans. Every attempt to test solutions (for functionality and performance gain) will be made before they are introduced to production environment systems.

• Changes will be classified as emergency, low, medium, and high in accordance with existing IT standards.

• The PM will provide training to each CC/R so they are familiar with the policy, the in-take procedure, and method for closure.

• The PM will communicate with the CIO and Deputy CIO of any major status changes for situational awareness and possible re-direction of the efforts.

• The PM will meet with division leads routinely to update their respective project and initiative status.

• The PM will be responsible for this policy and any subsequent changes or revisions. This policy will be reviewed annually and changes incorporated as required.

• All questions or concerns regarding this plan should be directed to the PM for clarification or adjudication.


The CC/R will use the single point of entry through Fresh Service to create a change request. For after-hours support please call the Service Desk at 336-373-2322.


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