Greensboro Plan2Play Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2019

168 - FEBRUARY 2019

Long-term Actions These projects represent long-term goals developed throughout the Plan2Play Process. While they are not unachievable within a 20-year time frame they will take significant commitment to complete. Successful implementation of these projects, such as the city-wide greenway

network and increased tree canopy, could be transformational for Greensboro. Long-term impacts could have positive economic, ecological, and overall quality of life impacts for residents.

Plan2Play Strategy


Long-term (10 - 20 years +) Projects

LEGEND: Future In Planning Complete

#1: ENHANCE Bring up the Basics #2: ENHANCE Create a Strong Brand #3: ENHANCE Bring Nature into our Backyards #4: EXPAND Create Community Hearts

Update deferred maintenance plan.


e Finish installation of brand-aligned signage throughout all parks, facilities and trails.

e Increase tree canopy to match County average tree canopy coverage of 49.7% from 37.8% e Provide environmental education and STEAM programs in all recreation center e Extend tree canopy inventory to all parks.

Develop all community hearts within the City.


#5: EXPAND Create Transformative Programs

e Continue to strategically review program offerings against trends and community needs and adapt as needed.

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