Greensboro Plan2Play Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2019
Plan2Play Strategy
Near - Term (0-5 Years) Key Projects
LEGEND: Future In Planning Complete
e Create a new senior center or convert an existing recreation center to accommodate senior services in western Greensboro. (Refer to Expand: Create Community Hearts). e Develop Universal Design Standards for parks and facilities and create an Access Plan to establish priorities for inclusion as a departmental philosophy. e Increase programming in all recreation centers for demographics beyond children age 12 and under to include seniors and individuals with physical and developmental disabilities. e Conduct a feasibility study and master plan to renovate or build a facility to serve as an inclusive hub. e Conduct a feasibility study to renovate and / or build a facility to service as a new senior / multi-generational center. In addition explore opportunities to strategically expand senior programming throughout existing facilities. e Continue to make accessibility upgrades to existing parks and facilities. e Identify and develop infrastructure needs for region reorganization. e Offer professional development to ease reorganization efforts. e Anticipate retirements and up-train existing employees where relevant. e Plan to address existing staffing gaps, particularly around recreation centers, fundraising, and marketing. e Evaluate trail crew and staffing. Create separate crews with additional horticultural training, or consider contract maintenance, for the Downtown Greenway . e Research and provide staff training and development on key systems that are already in place within the Department, but not fully implemented such as RecTrac, Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) work orders, scheduling systems, and other policies. e Implement POD region reorganization.
#9: CONNECT Make Greensboro Accessible
#10: CONNECT Connect and Empower Individuals Across the Department
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