Greensboro Plan2Play Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2019

164 - FEBRUARY 2019

Plan2Play Strategy


Near - Term (0-5 Years) Key Projects

LEGEND: Future In Planning Complete

e Create and market a partnership roadshow for conversations with corporate partners. e Develop working, signed agreements with all ongoing and planned partners to clarify intentions, expectations and outcomes. e Review and revise agreements with organizations partnering on co-sponsored programs. e Commission a community loop greenways master plan that outlines key parcels for acquisition, trail locations, and assesses long-term funding needs. e Develop a marketing plan that includes rebranding of existing trails and greenways and generates excitement around future citywide greenway loop. Include specific recommendations for various trail types such as mountain biking. e Rebrand and re-sign existing trails & greenways based on master plan and marketing plan. e Complete existing trail and greenway extension projects such as Midtown and Mill connections of the North Buffalo Creek Greenway and the Kingfisher Mountain Bike Trail. Develop first phase of the Piedmont Greenway as a natural surface trail between NC 220 and I-73 and dedicate as an MST. e Partner with the Greensboro Fire Department to educate the public on the trail rescue marker program and how to react during an emergency. e Build relationships and strategic partnerships around trail design and maintenance both internally and externally. e Create partnerships with groups focusing on larger regional trail connections and marketing, such as Piedmont Legacy Trails. e Work with partner organizations to provide education to the public on basic trail skills, trail etiquette, and bike checks through engagements such as bike rodeos, traffic gardens, and biking clinics. e Develop Greenway ordinance for all new developments, and begin strategically working with landowners to secure current and future public use for trail and greenway corridors. e Include trail density and diversity design in individual park design and master plan updates. e Evaluate the safety of access routes used by residents to visit parks. e Expand trailhead parking and trailhead park and ride opportunities. e Review bus routes and stops for connectivity to parks and implement changes to improve access to parks and facilities. e Collaborate with bike / scooter ride-share programs to maximize their benefit in a safe manner consistent with GSO pedestrian access standards. e Assess key connectivity issues and high need areas for sidewalk and bike connectivity improvements. e Partner with local bike shops to provide mountain bike rentals at trailheads, consider creating a "recreation hub" at Lake Brandt Marina.

#6: EXPAND Strengthen Partnerships

#7: CONNECT Grow the Trail System

#8: CONNECT Improve Connectivity to Parks

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